Kiss in the Dark

Kiss in the Dark by Jenna Mills Page B

Book: Kiss in the Dark by Jenna Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna Mills
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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Peace. Solitude. The kind of lifestyle Dylan could never offer.
    “People change.”
    Dylan eyed the half-empty pack of cigarettes. He hadn’t put one to his mouth in over a year, hadn’t craved the pungent bite in months. Until now. Sure people changed, but deep down, needs and desires stayed the same.
    The daughter of a woman who thrived on grabbing the spotlight any way she could, who upgraded husbands and lovers more frequently than most people did cars, Bethany had always dreamed of a life straight out of a fifties sitcom. She wanted to be June Cleaver. She wanted to marry Ward.
    Instead, she’d married Lance.
    Dylan had always wondered what went down when Lance decided to enter public service, rather than the private sector he’d always promised he would serve. If she’d been angry, betrayed, she’d never let it show. While Lance’s star soared, she’d devoted herself to a nonprofit organization for underprivileged teenage girls.
    The blade of sorrow caught him by surprise. Prince Lance was dead now. Gone forever. And Bethany was left standing in the spotlight, alone. With blood on her hands.
    “It doesn’t add up,” he muttered. Despite the circumstantial evidence and apparent motivation, Dylan couldn’t see Bethany doing anything to draw attention to herself, much less place herself in the heart of a scandal.
    “Not all crimes are premeditated,” Zito pointed out. “Passion can lead to murder as easily as a one-night stand. You don’t know what went down today. You don’t know what was going on between her and Lance. She might have just snapped.”
    A hard sound broke from Dylan’s throat. “You don’t know Bethany.” She never snapped, never came unglued. Never. Except—
    Don’t go there, he warned himself. Don’t even acknowledge there existed.
    “I hate to spoil the party,” Loretta Myers said as she picked up their empties, “but some of us have homes to go to.”
    Dylan glanced around the darkened bar and saw that only he and Zito remained. “Come on, Lori, cut us some slack.”
    “Five minutes, saint. Five minutes.”
    He winked, earning a glower before she strolled away.
    “You can’t let that pretty face fool you, son.”
    Dylan jerked his attention back to Zito, the cigarettes begging him from the table. Sometimes, restraint came at a high cost. “Come on, man, even I’m not that hard up.”
    “Not Loretta. Bethany. I saw the way you were looking at her, the way she was looking at you.”
    “And what way would that be?”
    “I’m not a poet, son, but for a minute there I thought I was going to have a second crime to clean up.” Zito stood. “One of the hardest lessons a cop learns is to remain objective, no matter what. That’s what makes Bethany St. Croix so dangerous. I know it’s hard to look into those sexy blue eyes and see a murderer, not a woman you’d love to have underneath you, but facts don’t lie. And right now, the facts say she probably killed Lance. It’s my job to prove it.”
    Everything inside Dylan hardened. He wanted to hit something. Someone. Hit hard. He wanted to turn his back on Bethany like she’d done him, but couldn’t. Not until he knew what really went down in that house.
    “What the hell happened to innocent until proven guilty?” he barked.
    Zito’s gaze sharpened. “There you go again, defending her. Is there something going on I should know about?”
    Dylan almost laughed. Almost. It was either that or slam his fist against the table. The good detective had no idea. None. And if Dylan was going to get to the bottom of this mess, he needed to put all that boiling emotion aside and keep it that way.
    “Chill out,” he said, standing. “I’m not defending her, and I’m sure as hell not getting suckered by a pretty face and killer body.” Not again. “Just considering all possibilities.”
    * * *
    “The cops are going after a crime of passion angle.”
    Passion. The word made Beth cringe. “Lighting a wet match would be

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