Knee Deep

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Book: Knee Deep by Jolene Perry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jolene Perry
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
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without Shawn. I thought it, and did nothing. But again, it is just Luke.
    “What’re you doing here?” Shawn asks. His dark eyes fix on Luke.
    “I figured you’d be here, man.” Luke stands up. “It’s like we always ditch together, right?”
    Romeo and Juliet kissing in the pool on the TV screen probably isn’t helping anything. Maybe Shawn won’t notice, or maybe it’s just sending my heart into crazy flutters because this tension between Shawn and Luke and, I guess, me, is happening during the most romantic scene of the movie.
    “Uh, I don’t know.” Shawn’s still scowling, his brows pulled low and his jaw tight.
    “You would’ve hated it,” I say. My eyes catch his, but his are as black as his mood seems to be. I’m so stupid. Why did I have to let Luke stay?
    “Yeah, maybe.” Shawn’s narrowed eyes go from Luke to me, back and forth, as if judging the situation. Really ? What did he think could possibly happen between Luke and I? Even if this is suddenly on my top three ‘most awkward moments’ ever. I can’t even think about what the other two might be. Maybe I’ve just found number one.
    “Romeo and Juliet all day.” Luke laughs, but I know him well enough to see he’s trying really hard to be relaxed. His shoulders are too stiff, and his normal stance is too rigid. I wonder if Shawn sees it too. “Guess I’ll leave you two alone.” Luke’s trying hard to keep his voice light.
    “Yeah.” Shawn has yet to return Luke’s smile. “I almost never see my girl anymore.”
    It’s like I’m on the edge of my seat, tension pinpricking every part of me. I’ve never seen Shawn like this.
    “Well, I should get my ass to rehearsal anyway.” Luke gives Shawn a friendly pat on the shoulder before heading outside.
    I don’t watch him go. My eyes are on Shawn, trying to figure out what to expect next.
    “What the hell was that?” His sharp gaze is now pointed directly at me.
    I stand up and lean to the side, trying to be relaxed. “It didn’t seem like a big deal this morning.” Maybe if I play it off as nothing Shawn won’t be so mad. He knows Luke and I are friends. No big deal , I tell myself again. But I don’t know if I’m trying to convince myself or Shawn.
    “Was he here when we were texting?” he asks. His voice may be low, but not in a good way. It’s low in a way that makes him sound like he’s past the edge of reasonable anger.
    My body’s screaming for me to take a step back, which makes no sense. This is Shawn. My Shawn. “No.” But I’m weakening by the second, almost shaking inside.
    His jaw tightens again.
    My eyes close as I remember, and dread fills my chest. “He got here as I sent my last one.” Is that bad? Good?
    “And you didn’t think to tell me? What the hell is that?”
    I jump at the sharpness of his voice. Shawn doesn’t need this stress. I know this. I reach forward to put my arms around him. We just need to hold one another for a minute, then it’ll all be fine.
    He stops me, grabbing my arm—hard—just above my wrist.
    “This is not okay.” His jaw is set.
    “Hey.” My voice shakes. My body shakes. I’m actually scared of Shawn for the first time ever. I jerk my hand once, but he tightens his grip…impossibly tight. My lungs can’t pull in a breath; there’s just not enough air in the room anymore. “Shawn, you’re hurting me.” He can’t mean to hurt me. He can’t.
    His face is stuck in a sharp scowl.
    “He’s your friend.” My voice is crying. I want to try and pull my shaky arm out of his grasp again, but I’m afraid to; he’s squeezing so hard . Tears are hot against the back of my eyes, threatening to spill over.
    “How would you feel if I spent all day with some chick?” The words come out as angry spit from between his teeth.
    I open my mouth to answer but can’t, the lump in my throat has taken over. All I can think about is that I need to find something to say so he’ll let me go. Some way to get the air

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