Knight of Desire

Knight of Desire by Margaret Mallory Page A

Book: Knight of Desire by Margaret Mallory Read Free Book Online
Authors: Margaret Mallory
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
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back to her.
    “The prince knows my script, so I never took the risk of signing or using my seal.”
    “When did Rayburn cross over to the rebels?” he asked.
    “ ’Tis difficult to say,” she said, looking off at the horizon as she thought. “For a long time, he played both sides. He
     provided funds and information to the rebels but would not risk meeting with them.”
    “Until yesterday,” FitzAlan said in a flat tone. “When, thanks to you, we captured him.”
    Just yesterday! A single day since she waited in her bedchamber for news of Rayburn. She shook her head. So much had happened
     since. For a time this afternoon, she’d forgotten how her life was tied to the stranger riding beside her.
    She thought she could like this William FitzAlan, if she did not have to be married to him. Already, he had shown her more
     kindness and respect than Rayburn ever had.
    She would put off her marital duty for as long as she could. For once he took her to his bed, she might not like him nearly
     so well.

Chapter Five
    C atherine’s tight-lipped expression made William want to pound his fists on the table in frustration. No matter how congenial
     their conversations during the day, each evening she grew withdrawn. Four days—and four long nights—he had waited to consummate
     this marriage.
    And yet, she remained as skittish as ever.
    He went riding with her each afternoon, though he had no time for it. While it was good for the tenants to see their new lord
     riding his lands, his first priority was the castle. He did not know when he would be called to fight again, so he was working
     feverishly to shore up its defenses.
    Ross Castle would be safe before he left it.
    He was equally determined to consummate this marriage. With luck, Catherine might conceive a child before the king sent him
     off chasing rebels through Wales for weeks on end.
    And so he went riding. He hoped the ease that was growing between them during their afternoon sojourns would lead her to accept
     him as her husband at night.
    So far, it had not.
    At first, he brought Jamie along on their rides to please her. To his surprise, he found he enjoyed the child’s company.
    A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he recalled how Jamie had leapt on his back and pounded at him when he first
     arrived. After the violence of their initial meeting, Jamie took to him quickly. In sooth, William liked the way the boy pulled
     at his sleeve and chattered away at him.
    Aye, he and young Jamie got along just fine. If only the boy’s pretty mother took to him half so well.
    Busy as he was, all he could think of was bedding her. He imagined her delicate fingers running down his belly, her warm breath
     in his ear, her soft skin under his hands. Four days wed, and he had not even seen his wife’s breasts! Lord, how he wanted
     to. He swallowed hard and looked at her again.
    Seeing how she clutched her goblet for dear life, he had no reason to hope tonight would be different. And yet, he did.
    He stood and held out his arm to her. He was not amused by the looks his men exchanged. It was early to retire, but he did
     not care. He was done with waiting.
    As soon as they reached the solar, she fled into her bedchamber with her maid.
    “Come sit with me when you have finished preparing for bed,” he called after her as the door closed in his face.
    His irritation rising, he stalked into his own bedchamber to undress.
    “Good evening, m’lord.” His manservant’s voice startled him from his thoughts. It had slipped his mind that Thomas had arrived
     today and would be waiting to help him undress.
    “I hope you did not look at your new bride like that,” Thomas remarked as he knelt to remove William’s boots.
    William gave him a quelling look. “Just because you have served me since I was twelve does not mean you can say what you will,”
     he said, though they both knew Thomas could speak his mind with impunity.
    William pulled his tunic over his head

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