that’d be the last time I’d let him do that to me.
— 7 —
Beautiful, hypnotic, like the first snowfall in winter after a shitty day. That’s what Hayley Frost reminded me of. She gave me a reprieve from my tensioned world that felt threatened to snap below me at any minute. Her chaste kiss hung on my lips as the blonde from earlier sucked me off in the bathroom a half-hour later. This girl had been gagging for it the whole night and I couldn’t bear hearing her bitch about it another second.
I found myself losing my mind. Usually having my cock yanked in the John got me off quick for the sheer filthiness of it all. Plus this bird was fit as fuck and had the tongue of a goddess. But this…this all seemed so wrong and unsexy.
I needed to find focus again. I took a fist of the blonde’s hair in my hand and tilted my head back. Scrunching at her tresses, pushing her face deeper onto my length had me imagining it was a certain strawberry blonde’s hair in my hand instead. “Oh, yeah, baby. Let me fuck that mouth.”
I pressed in deeper to Blondie’s throat until she pulled away and complained. “Hey! Careful.”
I banged my head back against the tiled wall in frustration. I felt my boner giving up. This would never work— Not after that kiss. What had I done? I’d brought this on myself. I knew she tempted me in new ways and yet I let myself pretend I had the power. I dared her to walk and she did.
I couldn’t have anyone else but her. Hayley— She’d damn near filled my entire conscience with her soft, innocent energy and those lips, those breasts in that revealing dress! My attraction to that girl ran far deeper than anything I’d experienced. She had some sort of prepossessing quality that I couldn’t quite pin down to any trait in particular. Whatever it was, I wished she didn’t have it to save me wanting her like I did. It gave her an upper hand I couldn’t compete with. I craved her in the worst ways; ways I didn’t want to find out about lest I lose control and harm her. In almost any other circumstance, I would never have kissed a girl in that way that I did her— So softly, tenderly. But if she were to suspect that all my kisses would be of that nature then she’d be deceived.
Blondie tried one last time to accept me into her mouth and it only pissed me off. “Hun, stop. This is all wrong. I have somewhere to be.” She stood up and toppled slightly from her inebriation. “Lemme call you an Uber,” I added.
“‘’Scuse me, mate? Screw you. I’m not the one who should leave.” Despite saying this, she backed up to the door. “All you’ve done is lead me on then fuck me over all night. Call an Über for yourself and shove it.” She wiped her mouth then whacked me hard with her large purse. “Fuck off. Prick!”
My hands fisted, my nostrils flare. She read my face and stood aside to let me through. It seemed negativity followed me like an acid slowly corroding away at my patience. Perhaps I needed affection or kindness and that’s what I believed Hayley could provide— Positivity, stability, some goddamn company alongside peace and quiet.
This girl filled my head. I had to see her again, that much was certain, even if she didn’t want to see me. But she had to. The chemistry in that kiss was shared and nothing I made up. I had to surprise her somehow. I had to see her.
I’ll be the first to admit that I like to be in control when it comes to the fairer sex. I need to know where they are. It’s not a trust issue, it’s an obsession issue. Which makes being in a committed relationship with a lady is entirely out of the question for me. Why? Well, she would never be allowed out of my sight.
I feared myself on Hayley’s behalf. Not that I’d ever bring harm to her in any way but rather that I couldn’t let her go. The night was young. I could follow her out and playfully terrorize her a little, a method that had been received favorably in the past
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