Lavender Lies (Historical Romance)
buckled beneath him. "Your name," his tormentor reminded him. "Give me your name."
    Julian was carefully watching the slender man in the crimson mask, realizing that this was no ordinary holdup. If it were, the two men would already have taken the valuables and ridden away. For a moment he entertained the notion that these men might have come for him. But how could they know his identity since he'd taken such precautions to protect himself?
    Julian realized that Mr. Groves was in real danger and decided to intervene on behalf of his fellow countryman. "I think it only fair, if you want to know our names, that you offer your own," he said calmly.
    The youth in the scarlet mask turned to him, and placed the rapier at his throat. "Hold your tongue until I am ready to deal with you," he demanded in a muffled voice.
    Undaunted, Julian casually moved the point of the rapier aside. "I have all day to wait. How long do you have before someone comes along the road?"
    The man in gray stepped forward and waved Julian back against the coach. Julian got the impression this man was being very watchful and protective of his slender companion. Suddenly the man in black turned sideways, and Julian saw the gentle swell of two soft breasts. A smile curved his lips. He should have known all along that the one in black was a woman! Staring at the two slits that had been cut in the red silk mask, Julian tried to see her eyes, but the disguise was too clever, and he could distinguish none of her features. His heart was pounding with the knowledge that he done the right thing in coming to Virginia. Instinct told him that this woman was none other than the Swallow herself!
    Julian glanced back at Mr. Groves and saw that the poor man was visibly trembling and incapable of giving his name. The man dressed in gray stepped forward and withdrew some of Groves's papers from his inside breast pocket before moving on to Julian. "I also want to know your identification, sir."
    As Julian reached into his inside pocket, he entertained the thought of drawing his pistol, but Nicodemus read his intentions. He pushed Julian's hands aside and took the gun. With a snarl, he crammed the pistol in his own belt.
    "Your name, if you please." There was a sharp note to the man's voice. Julian was wise enough to know that now was not the time to be a hero—there would be another time. Nicodemus's eyes were watchful as Julian gave him a letter with his identification on it.
    Lavender sheathed her rapier, and took the papers when Nicodemus held them out to her, hastily inspecting them. When she saw the name "Julian West," she raised her head and stared at Julian. This man was her aunt's new lodger. With a sweeping glance, she saw that he was tall. His dark hair was unpowdered, his manner of dress was that of a country gentleman. His face was finely chiseled and he was handsome in an overpowering manner. He was broad of shoulder, and Lavender was sure he was arrogant where the ladies were concerned. His dark eyes stared into hers, and she had the feeling he could read all her secrets. What if later he were to remember something familiar about her?
    Drawing a deep breath, she glanced at the second man's papers. Yes, he was George Groves, whom she had been sent to intercept. She avoided Julian West's eyes as she handed him back his papers, and moved on to the unfortunate Mr. Groves.
    "I believe you have something that does not belong to you, Mr. Groves. You will kindly turn over to me that which was stolen from the people of the United States."
    Mr. Groves's face was by now chalky in color. "I. . . I'm sure I don't know what you are inferring. If you want my purse, take it and be done."
    A cold voice rang out from behind the crimson mask. "I care not for your purse, sir. I would rather have that document you somehow managed to pilfer from our Congress."
    George Groves appeared to shrink in size, but he still managed to address his accuser. "I have nothing that would  

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