it became his favorite team." He must have been in the military, then. Maybe that’s how he died.
I nod, unsure of how much I should say. “Were you a fan before that?”
"I wasn't as big as a fan as I am now, but I did like hockey. What about you? What made you love hockey so much?”
“My dad played, so he wanted me to play. I fell in love with the game and the competitiveness of it. I was really bad at first, like way worse than all the other kids, but Dad pushed me and I wanted to be good more than anything, so I kept practicing until I was. There was no way I could give it up. In case you haven’t noticed, I don’t stop until I have what I want.”
"No matter how annoying you are about it,” she says in a monotone. “So, Brooke told me you two met in college. Which college?"
“Just a college in Delaware. Where did you go to school?”
"Here. I went to a local college. I didn't want to travel a whole lot, and it was a good excuse to stay at home rent-free,” she giggles.
“How long have you been back here?”
"Oh, I've never really left, but I just bought my house to make sure Sadie was in the right school district. Are you enjoying Utah?"
“Yeah, Reed loves it here, and Brooke doesn’t seem to mind it. I hope I can stay with this team for a long time, so I won’t have to uproot them again, especially now that he’s met Sadie.” I know Brooke doesn’t care for all the moving around we’ve done, so I’m extremely thankful that she’s willing to do it anyway to keep Reed close to me.
Lexie nods. "Brooke said that she moves with you. I know Sadie is happy to have Reed as her friend too. Sometimes its hard for her to make friends."
“Reed too, but that ends up being more my fault than his shy-at-first personality.”
"Reed is shy? I don't think I've seen that side of him." She smiles, causing me to laugh.
“Well, I think that’s enough about our kids, don’t you think? I want to know you . Reed could always tell me about Sadie. So, aside from hating on my team, what else do you love to do?”
"Um, nothing. I mean, I read the occasional book now and again, but I mostly work and take care of Sadie. I have a very boring life. What about you? Do you have hobbies?"
“I go to Vegas here and there to gamble with some friends, and we go snowboarding sometimes.”
"Oh, you like to snowboard?” Her eyes light up. “I do too. Well, I mean, I did,” she hastily adds. “I'm getting too old for it now, but Tony and I would go all the time when we were younger." Her mouth clamps shut. "Sorry, I didn't mean to say that last part."
“It must be hard on you without him, especially with having Sadie. How long has it been, if I may ask?”
"Sadie will be seven in December, so it'll be seven years in November.” He never got the chance to meet his daughter? Oh, wow. “Sometimes it doesn't seem that long ago, and some days it’s a lifetime. I figured Brooke told you."
“No, she didn’t.” I shake my head. “She only said you were Sadie’s mom.”
"How did you know?" Her eyes crinkle with suspicion, and I already feel bad for what I’m about to say.
“Reed.” With caution, I proceed to clear away her confusion. “He asked why some kids’ dads weren’t around. He said Sadie told him that her dad was in a happier place and loved her, but he didn’t understand why he didn’t come play with her. That’s all I know about him.”
I’ve never heard a sadder voice than when she speaks next. "Tony and I started dating when we were fourteen. We stayed together all through high school and he joined the Army the moment he turned eighteen. When I found out I was pregnant, we got married. He was killed in Iraq and six weeks later, I had Sadie."
‘I’m sorry’ doesn’t seem like the best thing to say, so I go with what I would rather say instead. “I’m sure he would be proud of how good a job you’ve done with Sadie.”
Lexie gives me a small smile in appreciation before changing the
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