Lie to Me
rubbed all over his upper body for a few minutes, and then her lips and tongue joined in and she heard him gasping and mumbling things that made no sense.
    “Guess you survived,” she said, splaying her hand over his abdomen and seriously raking her gaze over his form. She loved the feel of his hot, smooth flesh. “You’re too warm to be one of the undead. Plus you’re breathing.”
    “Right now, babe, I’m maybe too alive.  What you do to me—”
    She once again tickled his side and he dissolved in laughter, cursing her, but good-naturedly.
    Time to get serious. She unbuttoned his pants and set hot eyes on his, enjoying his wicked grin. Her gaze dropped. She could see the bulge behind his zipper before she climbed out of bed to pull off his jeans. She remembered how tight he always wore his pants. With one jerk, she yanked them off of him and stumbled backwards a few steps. Once more, they both laughed.
    Her gaze quickly spotted his injured leg and her smile melted, her heart sinking to her stomach. He’d been torn from his thigh to his shin, front to back. “Oh, Damian. Oh, God.”
    “Stop,” he said, sounding impatient.
    “It’s hard to see how badly you were hurt.” She felt sickened, picturing him unconscious and helpless, lying in his blood…
    “I’m whole and healthy.”
    She swallowed hard. “Yes. Thank heavens.”
    “It looks worse than it is.” His voice softened, as he maybe wanted to calm her distress.
    She forced her gaze away from his scars and took in the entire picture. He looked like an Adonis. Her heated stare drank him in, and she almost swooned. God must have made him specifically to torture women. He was perfect. “Damian,” she whispered. “My beautiful Damian.” Her eyes moved to his manhood, and stayed there.
    She’d always loved his cock. Like a magnet, it drew her back to the bed and she lay out right beside it, staring her approval. Straight, elegant, long, broad, pulsing with life…her heart raced as she took it in her hand and tenderly stroked it as it swelled and rumbled. He moaned and gasped, and her hand started trembling. She kissed the side of his thick, throbbing maleness, up and down, up and down, and it warmed her lips as he groaned and tensed. She knew he couldn’t wait and returned to his lips, kissing him with abandon.
    She felt his fingers sliding into her damp folds, and she reached down to caress his cock; all the while the kiss deepened. Casey shuddered as heat and ice quivered through her body. Damian’s body stiffened underneath her and he groaned.
    An eternity later, Damian gently released her lips. “Sweetness,” he whispered, so close to her hungry mouth. “I want you so badly.”
    “As I want you.”
    He dropped his head back, shutting his eyes, as he breathed deeply.
    As he took this break, she slid down to examine his damaged thigh. Her eyes teared as she ran her palm over the scars. How he’d suffered; she hated to think of his obvious agony.
    “Don’t look there.” He lifted his head to see her. “So ugly.”
    “Oh, babe, none of you is anything but beautiful.”
    To prove it, she rested her cheek on his powerfully built thigh and rubbed his muscled shin and calf over and over again, his hair brushing her palm, shuddering as she thought of Damian with eight fractures. “Must have hurt like hell,” she said, her maternal instincts rushing to the surface. “Poor boy.”
    “Feels great right now,” he said, and his voice lifted to playfulness. She felt him tugging at the ends of her hair like a naughty schoolboy.
    She buried her face into his thigh and kissed it, still absorbed in all he’d gone through. “I wanted to be there for you, dummy.”
    He quickly changed the topic. “My turn to undress you.” He sat up and dragged her, under her arms, until he’d pulled her into his lap. She gasped, feeling his pulsing cock pressing against the side of her still covered buttocks. “Get out of those clothes,” he ordered, gently.

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