Lines and shadows
of Otai Mountain. King Kelly found out how fast it would go while he was breathing 18 blood alcohol: exactly 105 miles per hour. It only works if you're without goggles and without a helmet and you're blowing about .18.
    "If you lose it at one-oh-five," he said, "you go down in a tumble a sparks and you don't have to worry about comas and IV's and paralysis and irreversible brain damage." It made perfect sense at the time. The night wind was frosty and Lana Banana put her icy hands inside the orange snowmobile suit just as a rabbit ran out and froze in the beam of light.
    Ken Kelly's last thought was: We're gonna hit a rabbit at one-oh-five. My wife's gonna be mad because even though I'm innocent they're probably gonna find us with her hand inside my pants, wrapped around my balls. The rear wheel's gonna slip out and we're gonna die now. Good-bye.
    Except that he reflexively swerved just enough to go into a deadly high-speed wobble.
    "More! Do it more!" Lana Banana screamed, later describing the wobble as something akin to straddling the world's biggest vibrator.
    And thanks to the volume of alcohol in his body, his reactions were so slow that they rode out of the deadly wobble which would have killed a sober man. Lana Banana said it was a hell of a sexy ride, a 550cc Japanese dildo , is what it was. And that Ken Kelly was a prince!
    No, a King!
    file://C:\Documents and Settings\tim\Desktop\books to read\Wambaugh, Joseph - Lines a... 11/20/2009
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    He was a sturdy blond with lank straight hair combed back flat but always falling over his ears. After a few drinks he loved to take both palms and pull his hair back tight on his head and leer, with darting pale-blue eyes. His Jack Nicholson impersonation. But actor Jack Nicholson never looked as deranged as Ken Kelly, not in his most eccentric performance, not when Ken Kelly let go with his demented scream: "Sex! Drugs! Rock 'n roll!"
    He was known as a talented cop. He was smart and gutsy and spoke in colorful, profane, grammatical English. Ken Kelly wanted to join the new task force badly. He was twentyeight years old with plenty of police experience, having been a cop for nearly six years, and he knew the canyons better than anyone. From the time he was a boy until he joined the San Diego Police Department, Ken Kelly had hunted doves in Spring Canyon, and north of Airport Mesa, and even in Deadman's Canyon and Smuggler's Gulch. He knew he could find his way around those hills night or day.
    The task force was another chance, he felt. He had tried dozens of times without success to get to Vietnam while in the Air Force. He always wanted to do something significant and fate was denying him.
    "If you ever decide to give a white boy a break," Ken Kelly pleaded to Manny Lopez, "I know one loony enough to go out in those canyons." Then he'd do a Gunga Din and say,
    "I'll carry water, sahib. Take me with you!"
    Ken Kelly was not one of the original San Diego cops selected for the experiment, but he wasn't about to give up. He could be found leaping out of police corridors at any hour of the night crying out to Manny Lopez, "Take me with you, bwana. I'll be your gun bearer. If you don't, I'll go bad, I swear. Sex! Drugs! Rock 'n roll!" He never gave up. He figured: Who knows what might happen out there in those canyons? Somebody might get stung by a scorpion and they'd need to send in a bench warmer.
    Manny Lopez couldn't go to the John without a voice Tom the next stall whispering, "If you don't take me, I'll go wrong. I'll wear a blindfold and a garter belt and star in stag movies. Take me with you!"
    Manny Lopez would giggle and promise Ken Kelly that if there was ever an opening…

    IT WAS THE FIRST WEEK OF OCTOBER WHEN THEY FINALLY got to do it. There were jokes and chatter and excitement during the briefing that afternoon. There were lots of file://C:\Documents and Settings\tim\Desktop\books to read\Wambaugh, Joseph - Lines a...

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