Little Secrets
    And when it was over, in the dark, she listened to the sound of his breathing slow and deepen beside her. She listened to Noodles’s rhythmic purring. She listened to the soft scritch-scratch of something inside the walls of her house, and it was that sound that finally soothed her into sleep.

Chapter Six
    The exterminator was much cuter than he had any right to be. Over six feet tall, dark hair, ice-blue eyes. Dimples in both cheeks when he grinned, which he did the second Ginny opened the door and wished she’d put on something nicer than a pair of yoga pants and one of Sean’s old college sweatshirts.
    â€œMrs. Murphy?”
    Technically, she was not Mrs. Murphy since she’d kept her maiden name, but it was easier to nod than explain. She stepped aside to let him in. “Yeah. Come on in. Thanks for getting here so fast.”
    â€œNo problem. It’s my job, right?” He turned in a slow half circle, looking up at the ceiling before focusing on her. “I’m Danny.”
    He held out a hand for her to shake, surprising her. Ginny’s hand was engulfed inside his fingers. “Ginny.”
    â€œYou have mice?” Danny asked as he let go. He set down the tool bag in his other hand and put both hands on his hips. He wore a dark-blue coverall with his name on a patch over his heart. Big black boots.
    â€œI think so.” Ginny tried not to ogle his ass when he turned again to look up, but didn’t manage very well. It was a pretty stellar butt, hard to ignore even in the baggy coveralls. “I’ve heard things in the walls and ceiling. We just moved in—”
    â€œYeah, I thought you must be new. I’ve been doing this neighborhood for a few years now, but this is the first time I’ve been called to this house.”
    Something in the way he said “doing this neighborhood” made her think of housewives clad in leopard-print robes, martini glasses in hand, standing on top of chairs and screaming while cartoon mice ran around them. “We’ve been in for not quite a week.”
    â€œGuy who owned this place before never had a contract with us, not even just the standard maintenance. Your husband signed you up for that, so I can take care of that for you today too. If you want.” Danny’s grin made Ginny think he’d take care of lots of things she wanted.
    She shoved that idea away as absurd. She was easily at least ten years older than him, face bare of makeup and inadequately showered. And pregnant. And married, she reminded herself. Still, looking wasn’t touching, and she admired Danny’s dimples again.
    â€œDid he?” she remembered to say. “What does that mean?”
    â€œMeans I’ll come out every three months to treat your place for spiders, bees, wasps, check for termites. Whatever you need. And if you have any other problems, I’m your guy to take of that too. Like mice.” Danny winked.
    Ginny blinked.
    Danny pulled a flashlight from the tool bag and shone it along the crown molding. “Termites usually aren’t a problem in this neighborhood, but you get a lot of spiders and silverfish. Being so close to the creek, you can get millipedes and stuff in your basement too.”
    â€œBut…you’ll take care of all that. Right?”
    Danny clicked off the flashlight and gave her another of those grins. Ginny wondered if he practiced them. “Yep. All of it. If you want to show me into the basement first, I can take care of you from the ground up.”
    Oh, I bet you could, Ginny thought. Top to toe too. She bit the inside of her cheek to keep a straight face and pointed down the hall. “Basement door’s to the right there, in that alcove. I have a cat. You won’t put anything down that’s poisonous to animals, right?”
    Danny shook his head. “No, ma’am.”
    Jesus. Ma’am. It should’ve made her feel old and possibly respected, but

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