Look At Your Future

Look At Your Future by Lucy J. Whittaker Page A

Book: Look At Your Future by Lucy J. Whittaker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy J. Whittaker
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interfere with soul mates, but if she is who
I think she is you‘ll have to make her yours soon.  You’ll no longer have the
two years that I did with your mother.”
    Nathan sat back down and looked at his son, he nodded to him.
He knew he wanted more answers.  “According to legend ‘ the gift ’ becomes
a loving mate and will breed you the ultimate male alpha, he would have all
your abilities, but would be stronger and faster than any other wolf, but she
would have to be yours by the full moon.”
    “So how do I find out if it’s really her?”
    “Legend has it that the painting is drawn to her, but we
only know that she didn’t buy it.”
    “Okay, what does the painting look like?”
    “I don’t know that either, it’s different for every woman
who’s had it. Not all were destined to be mates.  That’s why the painting is so
hard to keep track of.”
    Max frowned for a second, “how do you know so much about
this dad?”
    “I was raised on the legend; I had hoped to have her when I
was your age, along with every other male my age,” he smiled.  “Then I met your
mother, she was my gift, I didn’t need anyone else.”
    Max smiled at his father, he knew that his parents loved
each other deeply.  That was all he wanted, but now he didn’t know what to
    “Would you die for her Max?”
    “Yes,” Max didn’t hesitate with his answer. “I know she is
my true mate, I would fight all who would try to take her from me.”
    “Good luck son, if you need me, you know where I am.  I
can’t help you fight the pack, but I can help in other ways.”
    “Thanks dad,” Max said as he hugged his father and then he
left to go to Lily.
    It was a little after three when he arrived at her
apartment.  He stopped to get her some fresh flowers on the way.  He picked up
some calla lilies, he always liked the way they smelled.
    Lily opened her door with a smile.  He kissed her cheek as
he handed her the flowers.  He pulled back and saw the soft smile she wore as
she looked at the fresh blooms and then back at him.  Ah, man, that was so worth
it, just to put that look on her face.
    “Oh Max, they are beautiful.  Thank you.”  She stood back to
let him inside, and then she closed the door and went into the kitchen to find
a vase.
    Max tipped his nose into the air as he followed her,
whatever she was cooking smelled great.  He couldn’t help but watch her walk in
front of him.  She moved so gracefully, but at the same time, so very sexy. 
She was wearing a pair of thin cotton pants that hugged her curves and the blue
oversized shirt she wore looked soft and comfortable.  She glanced at him over
her shoulder and he saw her blush when she realized he was checking out her
    “What are you cooking Lily?  It smells great.”
    “Just a beef roast, it sounded good.”
    “Mm, I can’t wait.  Did you get all your work done yet?”
    “Almost, I have a few more chapters to read, I’m sorry, I
would blow it off, but Mondays are always so hectic for me.  I’m not usually
done before eight.”
    “That’s late; does your building have security?”
    “Some, why?”
    “I’m just worried about you, that’s all.”
    Lily looked at him for a second; he seemed so protective of
her.  It was nice to have someone care about her other than her family.  It had
been a long time since she’d had that. 
    “Do you have family nearby Lily?”
    She had just started to arrange her flowers in a crystal
vase and she glanced at him as she answered.  “My Mom lives about a half hour
away, both my sisters live on the other side of the state.  My brother lives
close to my Mom so I don’t have to worry about her. I try to see them as often
as I can, but I’ve been so busy lately.  One of my coworkers quit and I have
been assigned her clients till they find a replacement for her.  I would have
volunteered if they hadn’t offered it to me though.  I love my work, and I am
the only one who isn’t married

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