Looming Shadow: Journey to Chaos book 2

Looming Shadow: Journey to Chaos book 2 by Brian Wilkerson Page A

Book: Looming Shadow: Journey to Chaos book 2 by Brian Wilkerson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brian Wilkerson
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looks more like a lion with
    “Because Griffin s
are a dime a dozen and Sphinxes are even cheaper,” Kallen replied.
“Seriously, they are. I was amazed at how much make-up they wear.”
    Mambi was a small town
on the northern continent of Actrat, while Ataidar was far to the south on
Isaryu, separated from Mambi by the Yuki Sea. With its rough waters, frigid
temperatures, and sea monsters, airships were the safest way to cross it. The
monsters that flew in the air were just as vicious the ones in the sea, but
they were often smaller, and while the winds were capricious, they could be
harnessed for the flying craft’s use. One just had to mind the Roc and fly away
with all speed when encountering them.
    Kallen powered up Albatross
IX and set a course for the coast. Emily sat down next to her to watch her
and listen to her. Eric sat down behind them both and pulled out Introduction
to Magecraft .
    What a fascinating
parallel, Dengel’s voice said. You need me as much as Emily needs
    It’s just my imagination, Eric thought. I’m still used to hearing him, that’s all. I wanted
magical company on Threa and so it will fade away in time.  
     The ship took off,
retracted its claws, and soared away from the snowy city. From above, the
country looked like a single sheet of white in all directions. Even the water
for miles and more beyond the coast was covered in ice of varying thickness.
Kallen explained that Snol favored this place and so it was cold all year
    As the griffin-like
ship flew across the ocean, a whale-like ship flew into position over it. The
difference in size was so great it cast a night-like shadow. Eric looked out
the window and saw it open its giant mouth. It swallowed Albatross XI whole.
Inside another hangar, hydraulic arms grabbed the ship's wings, neck, and
chassis. When a voice ordered them to leave the vessel, Kallen sighed.
    “I don't have time for
    It was with great
reluctance that she lowered the door and stepped out. Eric followed and they
stepped into the belly of a large metal beast. The immediate area appeared to
be a holding cell. It was empty except for a group of sapients with assorted
    “Could you guys shake
me down some other time?” Kallen asked. “I'm in a bit of a hurry.”
    “You’re not a slaver,” said
a man at the front. He wore a sleek brigandine and a red visor over his eyes.
His hair was a contrasting blue. “You’re Kallen Selios!” He dug into his pocket
and pulled out a scry made of crystal. “James, smack Jessie on the head for me;
she ID’d the wrong ship!”
    “Aye, aye, captain.”
    The sound of leather
hitting flesh was heard over the scry.
    “I’m flattered you’ve
heard of me, but who are you?”
    “I'm Captain Raguc of Flying
Whale .”
    He clenched his left
fist and a tattoo appeared on the back of his palm: a griffin bearing its wings
and claws. The tattoo faded and he shook hands with Kallen.
    “I've heard of you too.
You're a Sky Outlaw that eats ships to avoid boarding.”
    “Safer that way for all
parties involved. Are you the captain?”
    “ Acting captain.
The captain is my mother, who is indisposed at the moment.”
    “Very well, Captain
Selios.” Raguc inhaled deeply and recited, “As decreed by our mighty Queen Wiol,
the Astral Griffin, Master of the Skies, and Voice of the Wind, and by
agreement in the Avatar Alliance, this is our territory. Neither you, your ship,
nor your crew will be harmed in any way, shape, or form. If I lie, may this
mark on my left hand turn black and kill me where I stand.” 
    “Impressive,” Kallen
said. “All that in one breath.”
    “Are you actually The Trickster?
It would be just like him to put us off track like this…”
    “No, but I’m one of his
followers. Are you looking for slavers?”
    “Yeah, the new queen of
Ataidar…what’s her name?”
    “Kasile, captain,” a clerk
at his side said.
    “Yeah, Queen Kasile put
a bounty on the heads of

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