Lost in You
of having her in his arms.  
    Becker yelled to Dave, “Call Clarence and have him send our things to the honeymoon suite in the Lodge.”  
    “Honeymoon suite?” Dave repeated. “Something you wanna tell me, cuz?”  
    “Not yet, but I’m working on it.”  
    Lacy relaxed against his chest. “Riding off into the sunset with you is much more romantic than making love in a field of wildflowers.”  
    “Probably snakes in the flowers anyway.”  
    After a while Sam said, “I can’t wait to make love to you in a real bed.”  
    She sighed dreamily.  
    The horse meandered down the trail, content as his riders.  
    Finally Lacy spoke. “You really didn’t mind being lost in the woods with me?”  
    “I was lost, Lacy, long before we entered the woods. It was you who found me.”  
    “You sure talk romantic for a stockbroker.”  
    “I liked it better when you thought I was a wild man.”  
    She looked up at him and smiled. “Can’t you make this horse go any faster, my wild mountain man?”  
    He grinned. “Hang on.”


    One year later...

    “I thought you were kidding.”
    “Babe. I never kid about my mother.”
    Lacy Buchanan Becker turned and stared at Sam, the man she’d fallen in love with during the last year. The man who was now her husband.  
    The man who was out of his ever lovin’ mind.
    Sam grabbed her hand and kissed it. “Please? It’ll mean a lot to her.”
    “Why? We’re already married, Sam. She was there.”
    Three weeks ago they’d pledged their lives and hearts to each other in a ceremony held on a rooftop garden on the 29 th floor of a hotel in the Bowery district of New York City. They’d exchanged vows at twilight as the lights of the city came on. It’d turned out to be a glorious, gorgeous night. Drinking champagne, dancing on the balcony overlooking the city with their family and friends. Then Sam had whisked her off to a two week honeymoon in the Maldives.
    And what an amazing honeymoon. A private hut on the turquoise water, hot sun, pristine beaches and lots of sex; sweet, raunchy, steamy, urgent, slow and reverent. She hadn’t bothered wearing anything besides a bikini; her new husband was obsessed with putting his hands and mouth all over her whenever the mood struck him. Luckily for her the mood struck him a lot.
    Sam’s growling noise caught her attention.
    She blinked at him. “What?”
    “After spending two weeks naked with you, I recognize the I’m-thinking-about-sex look lighting up your eyes.”
    Lacy stood on tiptoe and captured his lips. She loved the no-holds-barred way he kissed her—like it was life sustaining.  
    When he eased back, he murmured, “I love you.”
    “I love you too.”
    “I know this whole thing seems...weird.”
    “Nah. What’s weird about getting sage smoke blown in our faces from an old Lakota man who speaks a language neither of us understands? Then strangers spin us around before they wrap us up together in a star quilt? Then they sing Native American songs as they dance circles and lead us into a love tipi where we spend the night?”
    Sam sighed. “When you put it like that...”
    “Sounds fun, doesn’t it?”
    His surprised gaze snapped to hers.
    “I’ll do it.” She tugged on his hair. “ If I can wear normal clothes to the ceremony.” As much as she’d loved donning her satin princess wedding gown with all the beading, crystals, lace and tulle, her favorite part of her wedding night was when Sam had removed the heavy dress.  
    When Sam didn’t respond immediately to her demands, she listed more. “I’m expecting pillows, and a cushiony sleeping bag, and insect repellant, and a flashlight and some normal food and drink inside this Lakota love shack.”
    “Two things wrong with that scenario, Mrs. Becker.”
    She groaned.
    “First, our clothing for the ceremony is a simple robe. That’s it—that’s all we’re allowed to wear. Then

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