Lost Lad

Lost Lad by Narvel Annable Page A

Book: Lost Lad by Narvel Annable Read Free Book Online
Authors: Narvel Annable
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it due to the cast iron protection which would be afforded by Big Boy himself?  Had he ever been afraid of anything, this youth, who simply took his pleasure at will?  
    An unsettling event!  It had exited and stirred Simeon beyond measure.  Painful memories and instinct warned him to carry on and show no reaction.  He fumbled with his shirt, tried to dress, tried to hide the embarrassing effect of the previous minutes - but could hardly concentrate.  The others were quicker and filed out in front of their hulky master who was still wearing his superior handsome half smile.  Languidly he strolled towards his former slave - and then stopped!  One hand cupped the balls and the other closed round the hard secreting shaft.  Simeon stood perfectly still and looked up into that dark face.  It was a pleading look.  Again, just as in the old dark days, he was entirely at Big Boy's mercy.  Again he caught the familiar distinctive body scent of physical closeness.  He was vulnerable.  At that moment that big strapping youth had the power to inflict pain or pleasure - fortunately the grip, although locked and firm, did not, as feared, tighten.
                Simeon Hogg would remember those seconds all his life.  A myriad kaleidoscope of mixed emotions.  He hated Big Boy.  He loved Big Boy.  Smouldering eyes, unwilling to forgive a mountain of past humiliations defiantly met the cruel attractive dark eyes just inches away and he lusted a lust which would never be equalled.  The warm hands very slightly relaxed.  They become more mobile, more kind, and, during those precious seconds - gave intense pleasure.  In retrospect it could be described as a passing grope, a leisurely grope, but a short lived grope which was soon ended - much too soon - devastatingly too soon.  Big Boy moved on.  Big Boy was gone.        
    Simeon Hogg was a bit better off than most of the other pupils of William Howitt Secondary Modern School.  Mum and Dad had always been generous and two incomes made it possible for Simeon to be given five shillings a day for food and bus fare.  Cycling to school released extra funds to dine out for lunch.  Having an independent spirit, he preferred to leave the campus at midday, walk the half mile up the hill and enjoy the delights of the comfortable Market Cafe.  Mr Hogg the young schoolmaster was coerced to stay, suffer the daily cacophony of clink and clatter and force down poor quality school dinners during a daily penance which was called 'supervision duty'.  Simeon Hogg the boy, (having an aversion to slugs) was appalled to hear accounts of unwashed lettuce and the occasional appearance of a slimy mollusc creeping across a plate. 
                Miss McLening the headmistress once lined up the daily chip shop and cafe brigade and put them under pressure to abandon their midday wandering habits and dine in the school canteen.  This line included the meaty and muscular Rex Lloyd.  She singled out Simeon and directly challenged his judgement: why should he reject such good value, a full meal costing just one shilling?
                "I get choice, Miss," was not well received from the impudent acned urchin who stood before her august presence.
                "Oh!" replied She, lovely eyes blazing, "What a pity it is not possible to go and check the canteen menu and walk out if it is not to sir's taste!!"  
    Silently standing, sensing being on very firm ground - he stood his ground, savouring the point scored.  After a regal dismissal the little group walked back to class, proud smiles quietly cheered the rebel a hero.  Mrs Cook heard the full drama from the power house of the form, Rex Lloyd, no less.  To have earned his good opinion was for Simeon, a big step up the ladder of

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