Love and Sacrifice

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Book: Love and Sacrifice by Chelsea Ballinger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chelsea Ballinger
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and I place my finger on my chin and act like I have a better choice.
    "I guess ," I joke with her.
    "Really, you guess?" She moves pass me. "Well, let me know when you stop guessing."
    I laugh and grab her wrist, pulling her into a kiss. The first kiss was crazy and aggressive , but this one is nice and tender. I love the way her lips feel and how her tongue licks the roof my mouth. Ella Pierce is indeed a great kisser. And I would love nothing more than to take her back to my apartment and let her kiss every part of me.
    We finally come up for air and I rub her cheeks with my hands while she wraps her arms around me.
    "I like you," I tell her, without even thinking. I don't say it with a secret motive nor do I intentionally have a plan behind it.
    "I like you too."
    We continue our walk on the beach, but this time holding hands, something I‘ve never done before.
    "So, Ella," my mom says as she passes me a fork for my chopped watermelon. "Tell me about the guy you’re seeing."
    "What?" I almost drop the fork on the kitchen table. "What guy?"
    "Ella, I wasn't born yesterday. You've been ducking in and out of here for the past couple of days like a crazy person. I know you’re seeing a boy."
    I sigh. "Okay, I didn't want to tell you because I don't want Dad to know yet."
    "Why not? Who is he?"
    "His name is Tommy and..... he got out of prison two years ago." I quickly let out that last part.
    My mother drops her fork on the plate. “What? He just got out of prison?”
    “Yeeaahh?” I slowly slur out my answer into a question while wincing.
    “Ella, where the hell did you meet this guy?”
    “Funny you ask me that, he was a waiter at my graduation party. And then I ran into him at the mall and then I ran into him at All Saints Cemetery when I visited Christian’s grave.”
    “Ella.” My mom places her hand over mine. “I didn’t know you’ve been visiting your brother.”
    “Yeah, I go sometimes. It’s relaxing to go by myself and just talk to him.”
    “Yeah, it is,” my mother’s answer shows me that I’m not the only one who has been visiting Christian’s grave. I wouldn’t be shocked if the whole family does that from time to time.
    “Okay, so back to this boy.” My mom refocuses to my mystery guy. Not wanting to remember the night she lost her eldest child.
    “Tommy Dumas, he grew up in Hell’s Kitchen, went to jail for possession… and assault.” I shrug my shoulders like it’s no big deal.
    “You question assault, but not possession?”
    “No sweetie, possession is bad enough, but assault hits the mark.”
    “Well Mom, it’s a bit hypocritical for this family to judge, don’t you think?”
    “Ella, I am not judging. Yes, most of the sources from this family’s income are not exactly eligible for the best model citizen’s award, but you know your dad doesn’t want you getting involved with trouble. Our choices were trouble enough and the life we provide for you is so you won’t make the same mistakes.”
    “Mom, I’m not going to marry the guy, we’re just hanging out. He actually moved here to get away from it all and he works a legit job now.”
    “And good for him, but sweetie there are dangers in this world that can sneak up on you. And what did you mean when said you ran into him at the cemetery? Why was he there?”
    “Obviously, someone he knew was buried there, Mom.”
    “Don’t be a smartass.”
    I give her a sly grin, but quickly get serious for a moment. “It was his mom. She’s buried in the same cemetery. He actually said that his mom used to tell him the same saying about the cemetery that you’ve always told us.”
    “Really? That is a big coincidence.”
    “I know, right?”
    “Maybe it’s fate.”
    “You were just lecturing me. Now you’re about to get all romantic?”
    “No, I’m not. I’m just saying fate does exist. If I hadn’t come that day to my father’s office the same day your grandfather

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