Love in Another Town

Love in Another Town by Barbara Taylor Bradford Page B

Book: Love in Another Town by Barbara Taylor Bradford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Taylor Bradford
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architecture. He’d like the job, I know that, and I was impressed with his ideas.’ There was a small pause and then she finished, ‘I think I’m putting together a good team, don’t you?’
    He glanced at her and nodded, gave her half a smile and then headed out of the kitchen. ‘Shall we go through the rest of the house?’
    â€˜Yes, let’s look at the rooms on this floor first.’
    Three hours later they came out of the farmhouse together, blinking in the sunlight. Slowly they walked back to the pick-up truck.
    Jake leaned against the hood, and said, ‘It’s a huge job, Maggie, bigger than I initially thought. The whole place needs rewiring. It obviously hasn’t been touched in years. And there’s so much else to do. We haven’t even thought about the exterior lighting for the grounds.’
    â€˜I know.’ She threw him a worried glance. ‘You’re not saying you don’t want to tackle it, are you?’
    â€˜No. I want the job. I need it. As you know, I’m building a new business. Anyway, I like a challenge. And I want to work with you, Maggie.’ He paused and stared into her face. Suddenly making a decision, taking control of the situation, he said in a firm voice,‘Let’s go. I’ll take you to lunch. I know a good place for a hamburger or a salad, whichever you prefer.’ 
    â€˜Good idea,’ she responded. ‘I’m starving.’

    W HEN JAKE KNOCKED on Maggie’s kitchen door and there was no answer, he opened it and went inside.
    She was nowhere in sight, so he wandered through the kitchen and into the small back hall, heading for her office. But he stopped at once, stood perfectly still, listening.
    In the few weeks he had known Maggie Sorrell he had never seen her ruffled. Nor had he ever heard her raise her voice. But she was doing so now, obviously speaking on the phone in her office.
    â€˜He did it on purpose!’ she exclaimed. ‘Nothing you say will convince me otherwise. And he did it to hurt me. He simply doesn’t want me there to celebrate with you.’
    There was a sudden silence.
    Jake guessed she was now listening to whoever it was on the other end of the line. Wanting to be polite, to make sure she was aware of his presence, he walked across the hall, knocked on the open door, poked his head around it and raised his hand in greeting.
    Maggie stared at him so blankly he realized at once how preoccupied she was. But then she nodded quickly, acknowledging him.
    He half smiled in return and ducked out. Swinging around, he headed towards the small sitting room opposite. After placing the envelope he was carrying on the coffee table, he walked over to the window and stood looking out of it at her garden, lost for a moment in his thoughts of her.
    It was apparent to him that Maggie was not only angry but upset as well, and this disturbed him. He had become very protective of her.
    Jake glanced at his watch. They had agreed to meet at six o’clock tonight, and as usual he was far too early. It seemed to him that he was continually ahead of himself whenever they had an appointment. He just couldn’t help it. He wanted to be with her all the time; he hated it when they finished their work and he had to leave her.
    They had known each other only five weeks yet it seemed so much longer to him. He had discovered that they were compatible, liked the same things. She loved music as much as he did and she was impressed with his knowledge of it. He enjoyed talking to her because she was so well informed; she was a news buff and, as he was, a great fan of CNN.
    There were other things that he liked about her. She had a good sense of humour, laughed a lot, and shewas a truly feminine woman. For all her ability and talent, strength and independence she was not hard. Just the opposite. He forever felt the urge to look after her.
    Since his first visit to the farmhouse,

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