Love in the WINGS

Love in the WINGS by Delia Latham Page A

Book: Love in the WINGS by Delia Latham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delia Latham
Tags: Christian fiction
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    “Thank you for being a friend, for praying for me. I’ve never talked about…all that stuff with anyone. Ever.”
    She wanted to suggest that he do that. Pastor David perhaps. But she couldn’t. Not yet. She’d find a way, though, and soon.
    “You can talk to me. Anytime. And Corbin…” She laid her hand on his arm, terrified by the thrill that raced through her being as his muscles rippled and bunched beneath her fingers. “My lips are sealed. I would never betray your confidence.”
    “I know. That means a lot to me.” He hauled in a breath and blew it out, clearly bringing an end to the conversation—at least, to that portion of it. Then he tossed her one of his patented killer smiles, and tapped the tip of her nose. “I should let you get inside.”
    She didn’t want him to leave, but refused to ask herself why.
    “Um…I could make some tea. Or coffee?”
    He tilted his head and studied her face while she held her breath. “Sure you can take more of my company? I kind of turned your nice, relaxing walk into a mile-long torture route, don’t you think?”
    “No. You made it memorable.” She lowered her gaze, and her next words came out in a whisper. “And sweet.”
    His finger under her chin coaxed her to look up. “I’m a tea drinker,” he said, and winked. “Texas style, please.”
    Her laughter broke the spell, and they were just two people enjoying a friendship they hadn’t expected.
    Relieved, but also strangely regretful, Aria unlatched her gate. “Coming right up. Follow me.”
    To the moon and back, if I thought it would do any good.
    But she wasn’t headed for the moon, so Corbin trailed her across the yard and through her front door. She went straight to the kitchen and started puttering around like she was right at home in a kitchen.
    She pulled a couple of glasses out of a cabinet, and then gave him a hesitant look, pinching her lip between perfect white teeth. “I guess it’s too hot to use the fireplace, isn’t it? This weird—” She hesitated, and for a moment, Corbin thought he saw a shadow of fear in her eyes, but what a ridiculous idea. “Humidity. Oh, well, just a thought. I’m in the mood for sweet tea with popcorn, a good movie, and the relaxing flicker of firelight.”
    Corbin glanced into the living room. “I see several candles. Where’s a lighter? We’ll improvise.”
    “Now why didn’t I think of that?” She fished around in a drawer, and then triumphantly presented him with a fireplace lighter. He winked, and she gave him a saucy grin that did nothing to hide a shyness he’d never seen in her before. Her gaze slid away and a warm blush pinked her cheeks.
    Corbin took mercy on her and headed for the living room. He set about lighting every candle he could find, and it turned out she had enough of the things to open her own shop. He made a mental note to remember she liked them.
    After a moment, he felt her watching him and stole a glance her way.
    She was nibbling at her lip again, and a troubled crease marred the smoothness of her forehead. He smothered a sigh. How did he know exactly what was going on in that pretty head of hers?
    She wasn’t finished with the conversation they’d started on their walk.
    “What is it, Aria?” He turned and met her gaze straight on, then smiled to take the edge off his words. “Say it, so we can get on with our evening.”
    She grimaced, and regret darkened her eyes. “I’m sorry, Corbin. I know the subject isn’t easy for you, but I do want to say something else about—well, you know. About your…past.”
    He nodded, but couldn’t quite dredge up a real smile. “Say it. I’m listening.”
    “OK. Let’s sit down.” She took a bag of popcorn out of the microwave and dumped it into a large bowl, handed him a glass of tea, and then picked up her own glass. He followed her into the living room and they settled onto the sofa with the popcorn between them.
    “It’s about angels. I

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