Love Takes Time (Christian Romance)
commoners and
by that point in time, all eyes in the room had focused on him, especially the
female mothers who had accompanied their kids.  Not that he seemed to
notice.  He was intent and solely focused on her.  She looked
away.  Anywhere to be able to not fall victim to his spell binding gaze
once again. 
an interesting statement. So what are you doing here, stalking me?”
at all.  Not that I mind resorting to those methods because I don’t, given
how much I really wanted to see you again.  Luckily for me, there are
easier ways.  After you left the bar the other night, I swung by a few
days later, hoping to catch you there.  That was when I ran into
Alex.  He’s a good friend, you know.  He wouldn’t tell me a thing
about how to find you.  Only that I should leave it alone because he was
under the impression that I was probably someone you wouldn’t want to talk
to.  If I’m not mistaken, there was even a semi threat that I should not
come back there looking for you.  Then he tried take my order.
 Interesting guy.”
knew that Alex wouldn’t have told him a thing.  He was a good friend for
sure and she wasn’t surprised that he didn’t let that stop him from making a
buck or two off of him.  She chuckled to herself.  
after I left the bar I almost had no choice but to either wait until you showed
up one day and bum rush you before he could call the cops on me or find you by
other means.  I didn’t think it would be a good look for my company with
me in cuffs and all so I thought about it and remembered you told me about the
business you were starting.  It was a longshot but I looked up new dance
studios in the city and it wasn’t long before I found this place.”
you went through all that trouble looking for me?  If that isn’t the
definition of stalker, I don’t know what is.  My question is why you would
go through so much trouble to find me again.  Especially after you
couldn’t place me at all last Friday.”
look changed from hotshot and confident to more regretful and his shoulders
dropped as he released a deep sigh.”
 I definitely deserve that. Honestly, Friday night was the reason I showed
up.  It’s going to sound like a horrible excuse but I always believe the
truth is the best option so I’ll take my chances with that.”
I like the truth too.”
I was caught completely off guard when I saw you that night.  I’m sure you
remember the phone call I had in the car.  Well one of the reasons I
couldn’t just come off was because that dinner with the client was coming up
and I had to make sure everything was good.  Believe me when I tell you
that I was going to do my best to find you after that, even if I had to wait
outside of your school daily.”
does any of that have to do with anything?  You could have just talked to
me so why didn’t you?”
dad.  He was there and if you knew anything about him, you wouldn’t ask me
that question.  Me doing anything with you right then that didn’t involve
ordering a meal was completely and totally out of the question.  Believe
me, I wanted to talk to you.  It was like finding a needle in a haystack
only for it to not only prick your finger but bleed enough to send you to the
emergency room.”
know.  It sounded better in my mind.”
I was going to wait till things died down and the guys got a little fuller and
less observant.  That was when I was going to come talk to you under the
guise of a bathroom break but you left and my chances at that were gone
too.  I hope you can forgive me for treating you in such a disrespectful
thought about her own parents briefly and immediately understood why he had to
do what he did. 
don’t owe me an apology Ryder.  I completely

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