Love's First Flames (Banished Saga, 0.5)

Love's First Flames (Banished Saga, 0.5) by Ramona Flightner Page B

Book: Love's First Flames (Banished Saga, 0.5) by Ramona Flightner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ramona Flightner
Tags: Historical fiction, Romance, Pioneer
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morning air. “Do you have a lot of work to complete?” Richard asked Gabriel as they walked quickly, their long legs forming great strides. From behind, they could have been mistaken for twins, each young man reaching over six feet in height with broad shoulders. Their black hair blew in the soft breeze, and, after a few blocks, they boarded a trolley and sat, continuing their conversation in a low whisper.
    “Yes. I’ve many commissions now that I’m a Master.” He came closer to Richard and lowered his voice further. “Not that I want Aunt to know that I’m anything other than an apprentice. We don’t have the means to leave yet, and I worry she’d throw me out were she to discover I had a trade.” He watched Richard with concern. “I’m surprised you aren’t already at the smithy. I’d hoped you’d take your apprenticeship more seriously after it took so long to find work.”
    “I’m only going to be a few minutes late, Gabe. And the first bakery really was closed.”
    “That’s not what’s got you in a fine mood today. You didn’t even join me in my fight with Aunt. For once, I was the one about to come to blows with her rather than the one calming you down. What’s going on, Rich?” Gabriel turned to stare at him with avid curiosity, concern hidden in his gaze.
    “Nothing, Gabe. It’s just a fine day, and I realized that, if things go well with my apprenticeship, we might be able to move out soon.”
    Gabriel sighed with pleasure. “Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Jeremy’s about done with school. And you and Henry can’t seem to stop whaling on each other. I can’t think of too many more excuses for your ripped clothes to give to Aunt.”
    “He’s a snotty little . . .”
    “I know, Rich. But if you keep fighting him, we’ll all be thrown out, and we won’t have enough to live on.”
    “You’re a Master of your craft, Gabe.”
    “I know, but that doesn’t mean I make enough for us to live on. Not yet. And I couldn’t bear it if . . .” Gabriel broke off, unable to voice his worst fears.
    “We won’t be separated. I know you won’t allow that to happen. You’ve done everything you can to ensure it. I don’t know how you’ve managed not to kill her in all the time we’ve been in her house.”
    “She complains about us being such burdens to her, but I think she enjoys the free labor we provide. And the fact she can extoll her virtues to her exalted friends.” He mimicked his aunt’s tone and shook his head in disgust.
    “Listen to you. You’ve been reading your fancy library books again,” Richard teased with an elbow to Gabriel’s side. “I finish at six. I’ll come by the workshop.”
    “Yeah, that sounds good. Jer always stops by anyway. He’d rather be there with me than at Aunt’s place.” He nodded to Richard as he departed a few stops ahead of Gabriel’s. Gabriel watched Richard maneuver his way around a woman with a baby carriage, his smile brighter than usual, and frowned again with concern.

    “HELLO, MISS BUTLER,” Richard said as he matched his longer lope to her shorter stride. He met her at the corner he’d seen her disappear around the previous day. “How are you this fine morning?”
    She smiled at him, a hint of a blush warming her cheeks. She wore the same clothes, although it appeared she had attempted to tame her wild curls into a stylish bun. “Well, sir, I thank you.”
    “Where are we off to? The bakery?”
    “Yes. Mrs. Kruger thought the cake I brought home yesterday was particularly delicious and wanted to thank the young man who helped me find a new bakery. If you are ever free to call on her, she’d be delighted to meet you.”
    Richard held out his elbow, and she slipped her arm through it. They walked at a leisurely pace, each step becoming a bit slower so as to prolong their time until they reached the bakery. “Where does Mrs. Kruger live? I’d like to know where I should call.”
    “In Chester Square in

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