Loving Your Lies
of a ladder scared the wits out of me. Not to mention the horror
when I had dared to lean out the window in my room. That wager had
won me a brand new pullover which Debby nicked from H&M ,
but I daresay the prize was hard-earned. “I just have little issues
with heights.”
    Julian pursed his lips. “We best not give
you a window seat.”
    Within forty minutes we arrived at Heathrow
Airport. I followed on Charlene’s heels, frightened I might get
lost among so many people. But then, what did I worry for? This
would be my last chance of escape. Maybe drop back, then take a
wrong turn, and dash for freedom? My strides getting slower, the
distance between me and my mishap of a mother grew steadily.
    People wheeling their suitcases filled the
space between us. Anticipation grew inside me. I stopped and peeked
around, searching for a good place to hide until the dragon was out
of sight.
    From behind, someone slipped his fingers
under the straps of my backpack and pulled it down. “Let me carry
this for you. We don’t want you to miss your flight for the sake of
the heavy baggage.”
    “Quinn!” I spun around and flung my arms
around his firm body. My nose buried into the fresh smell of his
dark uniform.
    He laughed, staggering back a couple steps
at my enthusiastic embrace. “All right, kiddo. I get it. You’re
happy to see me.”
    “I thought you wouldn’t come after all.”
    He grabbed my shoulders and held me away
from him to look me sternly in my eyes. “When did I ever break a
promise to you?”
    The chance at escape might be gone, but his
showing up filled me with happiness. I smiled, knowing he’d never
go back on his word.
    Julian approached us. “Morning.”
    “Hey, lad.” Quinn planted a heavy hand on
Julian’s shoulder. “I hope you had no trouble bringing the princess
to her carriage.”
    One corner of Julian’s mouth lifted. “So far
she heeled like a nice puppy.”
    I glared at both of them. “Would the two of
you stop making fun of me?”
    Julian took a small step backward, hands
lifted in defense. “Your mother is at the check-in. Do you want to
take your backpack with you into the cabin? Otherwise I’ll take it
to her now.”
    “No, just take it.” I picked up my bag and
shoved it at his chest.
    He didn’t budge at my hard push. One strap
over his shoulder, he trudged toward my mother, who stood in a
snake-like queue at the luggage drop-off. With him gone, I had a
moment to say farewell to my friend.
    Quinn pulled me aside. “Listen, kiddo. I’m
sure your aunt and uncle will provide you with anything necessary.
Food, clothes, a room. So no stealing in the foreign country, is
that clear? Especially not from their house.” He pointed a warning
finger in my face, and I restrained the impulse to snap my teeth at
his digit.
    “I’ll be nice.”
    “Jona, I mean it.”
    “Okay. Got it. No stealing.” I blew a strand
of hair out of my eyes. “What about gambling and selling my body
for money?”
    His eyes grew wide, and his jaw dropped to
his chest.
    I fought to hold back a laugh. “Close your
mouth, buddy, I was only jesting.”
    His dark brows furrowed.
    “Honestly!” I lifted my palms in
    “Very funny.” If he’d been a little bit more
like me, he’d have stuck his tongue out with the words. But he
didn’t. Instead he heaved a sigh and slipped his hand between my
hair and my neck. “You just be a nice girl, do you hear? Don’t do
anything reckless. And in God’s name, don’t even think about
running off on your own once you’re in France.”
    I raised one innocent brow.
    “I’m warning you, kiddo. I saw you fall
behind just a moment ago.”
    “You said yourself, it was just because of
the heavy luggage.” I shrugged. “Anything else?”
    Scratching the stubble on his chin, he
pursed his lips. “Beware, cars hit from the right side in mainland
    “You mean from the wrong side?” I
    Long wisps slipped through his fingers as

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