Madeleine & the Mind
it felt to touch the hard muscles of his back. "There."
    He turned around.
    "I think you can handle the front." She handed him the bottle and went to the bathroom to get a towel.
    While she put her hair in a ponytail, he crept up behind her. She caught his reflection in the mirror. "What is it?"
    He held up his hand. It had lotion on it. He reached for her back, and she nearly jumped when he touched her. His hands crept across her shoulders in slow, sure movements. Madeleine's toes curled with the tension he created in her. Not a good thing.
    She stepped away. There were some things she was not prepared to endure. "That's good, really. I'm not one of those red-heads who burn. Well…I'm strawberry blonde…anyway."
    He held up his hand in front of her.
    "No, absolutely not. I'll do the front." She took the bottle from him so he could watch her do it. "Now. Can we please go to the pool?"
    He walked to the door.

    When they got outside, Madeleine made sure Steven walked beside the pool. As they walked past the deep end, she shoved him in. Then she stood over the edge and watched with glee. He bobbed to the surface.
    Madeleine laughed and held out her hand. "How's the water, sweetums?"
    He reached for her hand and yanked her over his head into the water.
    She grabbed at him as she came up, laughing and spluttering. "Oh, you stinker. I should have seen that coming."
    She turned on her back and floated across the pool. She loved to swim. After going several lengths of the pool, Steven appeared beside her. He pointed at the far end.
    "What? You want to race me? A dinky little girl like me can't beat a big strapping boy like you." He pointed at the end again. "Ok…Ready, set, go."
    Madeleine swam as hard as she could, but Steven was nearly at the end before she got halfway. When she caught up to him, she was laughing so hard she couldn't talk. She took several deep breaths. "Think you're a jock, don't you?"
    He grinned at her and headed back to the shallow end. Madeleine turned on her back and closed her eyes. She felt a tug on her foot and kicked. He was playing again. She felt a strong grip on both ankles and opened her eyes. She could see Steven at the shallow end. He had his back to her. Who was pulling her feet?
    She opened her mouth to scream and choked as her body sank under the water. She tried to kick her feet, but couldn't get loose. She clawed at the water and rolled her body like a crocodile.
    A streak of pain scraped down her leg as she got one foot free. Her assailant had clawed her.
    Madeleine fought frantically to loosen her other foot, but she was nowhere near the surface. She was losing the fight. Where was Steven? Had someone attacked him, too?
    She blacked out.
    The next thing she knew, her mouth hung open as water spewed out. She gasped for air and retched. The heat from the concrete burned into her back, yet she shook all over. She moaned and opened her eyes.
    Steven stared down at her. She reached up her arms, and he held her.
    "Steven," she whispered. "Someone tried to drown me." And then she burst into tears.
    She heard voices approaching then Mike ran up. Steven moved away from her, and she wrapped her arms around her stomach and tried to stop shaking.
    "Madeleine, are you all right?" Mike put a hand on her arm. "Did Steven push you in the water again?"
    Madeleine looked at the concerned strangers. She shook her head. "No, I fell. Excuse me." She stumbled to her feet, and Mike rushed to her side with a towel. She reached for it. "Bring Steven, Mike."
    "He's gone. Let's go back to the room."
    They rode up the elevator in silence. Madeleine unlocked the door to her room, and after she shut it behind them, she turned on Mike.
    "Look at this." She pointed at her leg. There was a long, red streak that glistened with tiny beads of blood. "Someone pulled me under the water and held me until I lost my breath. I felt them scratch my leg when I tried to get free."
    "Steven wouldn't do that to you, Madeleine."

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