Magic Bites
them on the faint hope that I'd find something. Anything. Otherwise I'd be reduced to grabbing people on the street and screaming, "Do you know Corwin? Where is he?"
    The files secured Greg's notes, written in his particular code. I frowned as I scanned one indecipherable entry after another. "Glop. Ag. Bll.-7." "Bll" had to be bullets. "Ag" could be Argentium, silver. What the hell did "Glop" mean?
    My hopes dimmed as I flipped through page after page, and when I came across it, my brain almost did not register it. On a single page there was a scratchy "Corwin" and next to it were two drawings. One was a very clumsy rendition of a glove with sharp blades protruding from its knuckles. The other was some sort of bizarre doodle against a dark semicircle. I stared at the doodle. It meant nothing to me.
    The phone rang.
    I looked at it. It rang again. I wondered if I should answer.
    The intercom came to life and Maxine's voice said, "You should, dear. It's for you."
    How did she know? I picked up the phone. "Yes?"
    "Hello, sunshine," said Jim's voice.
    "I'm kind of busy."
    I turned the file on its side and examined the doodle. Still nothing.
    "No shit," he said.
    "Yeah. No gigs for me."
    "That's not why I'm calling."
    I frowned at the phone and turned the file upside down. "I'm all ears."
    "Someone wants to meet you," he said.
    "Tell him to get in line," I mumbled. The doodle almost looked like something.
    "I'm not joking."
    "You never joke because you're too damn busy proving that you're a badass. Come on, black leather cloak? In mid-spring Atlanta? Besides I don't have time to meet anybody."
    Jim's voice dropped low and he spoke each word very distinctly. "Think very carefully. Do you really want me to tell the man no?"
    Something about the way he said "the man" stopped me. I sat still and thought very hard about what kind of "man" would inspire Jim to use that voice.
    Page 34

    "What did I do to warrant the Beast Lord's attention?" I asked dryly.
    "You're sitting in the diviner's office, aren't you?"
    The Beast Lord was the Pack King, the lord of the shapechangers, and he ruled his brethren with an iron fist. Few ever saw him and the mention of his title was enough to make the loudest shapechanger shut up.
    In other words, he was precisely the kind of fellow my father and Greg had warned me to avoid. I ground my teeth, thinking of a way to weasel out of it. I would have to go and see the People sooner or later to find out about the vampire. But so far nothing necessitated my walking into the Pack's lair.
    "Your safety's guaranteed," Jim said. "I'll be there."
    "That's not the reason," I murmured. There had to be a way to dodge this invitation. I glared at the stubborn doodle…
    "Look," Jim said, making an obvious attempt to sound reasonable, "consider the…"
    "Tell him I'll meet him tonight someplace private," I said. "I'll answer his questions if he answers mine."
    "Agreed. Eleven o'clock, corner of Unicorn and Thirteenth."
    He hung up. I tapped the desk with my fingers. I finally made sense of the doodle. The head of a howling wolf silhouetted against the semicircle of the moon. The sign of the Pack. Corwin belonged to the Pack.
    There was a small matter of Maxine to attend to. I concentrated and whispered so quietly I couldn't hear myself. True communicators could focus enough to broadcast their thoughts without vocalization, but I still had to move my lips like a dufus.
    "Yes, dear?" Maxine's voice said in my head.
    "Were there any other calls for me?"
    "Thank you."
    "You're welcome."
    I put the file back into its place and walked out of the office. Maxine was a telepath. A strong one. From now on, there would be no thinking done in the office.
    I left quickly, almost breaking into a run on the stairs. The idea of someone digging in my head took some getting used to.
    I went back to the apartment. I sat on the floor, leaned against the door, and took a deep breath. All my life I was taught to

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