Magic in Our Hearts
    “Thanks. Brett spent about a year designing and decorating it when I gave it to her.”
    “This is Brett’s home?” Taylor was surprised.
    Mrs. Camden smiled, a smile filled with pain and love. “Yes, she told me she was making a home worthy of a partner. Her plan was to fall in love and live here for the rest of her life.”
    “When did she do this?”
    “Eight years ago. It stood almost empty after she finished remodeling. She said she didn’t want anyone to live here until she found her soul mate. She didn’t move in until after she was released from the hospital the last time.” Taylor’s heart shriveled in her chest. “Then she’s found someone?” Roselin had to prevent herself from smiling when she heard the worry in Taylor’s voice. “No. Brett no longer believes she deserves to be loved.” Taylor was once again overcome with sadness at how much Brett had suffered, how much she had given up. “I’m surprised she gave permission for me to stay here.”
    “She didn’t. Brett will refuse me nothing. I’m afraid I tricked her into this arrangement.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “I made her promise that I could hire one more physical therapist to work with her. I knew she would go along with me because of my illness.”
    “That’s, that’s …”
    “Emotional blackmail and I would do it again if it will help my daughter heal.” Mrs. Camden met Taylor’s eyes directly. She loved her only child unconditionally. 
    “You didn’t tell her it was me?”
    “No, I did not.”
    “Why?” Taylor had to understand Mrs. Camden’s actions.
    “Because she would have refused.”
    “She may not work with me.” Taylor flinched as if she’d been hit.
    “She will. I have complete faith in you, Taylor.”
    “I hope you’re right.” Taylor had serious doubts as to whether she could get Brett to do anything with her. Her show of indifference toward Taylor had cut to the bone. She felt she would have very little influence over the physically and emotionally scarred woman. She wasn’t sure how she was going to reach her.
    “I am, dear.”

    Brett slumped down in her chair and tipped back the cut glass crystal tumbler as she swilled down the last of the Scotch. Seeing Taylor after all this time had inundated her with pain. She hadn’t seen her for years, but she hadn’t forgotten a single detail about her. She was furious that Taylor had to see her in this condition.
    She had kept everyone at bay, so no one knew how far along her self-destruction had gone. Now, the one woman she had ever loved was in her home, planning to work with her. How ironic was that! It was going to kill Brett being around Taylor.
    Reaching across the dust-covered table, she grabbed the open bottle of Scotch and refilled her glass. The large room was dark and gloomy. The only light was from a single lamp next to the rumpled, unmade bed. It was a dark cave, one that Brett hid in and where she drank herself slowly into oblivion. The only thing that helped Brett get through her days was her drinking. She was in constant pain and her body was covered with scars. Even walking was difficult, and she had no reason to get better. Her mother was dying and she had no one else in her life. She felt the sting of unshed tears and a wave of self-pity as she remembered the look of shock on Taylor’s face. She must have been totally disgusted by what she saw.
    Brett couldn’t even look at her own body in the mirror. She had destroyed it.
    “God, I can’t do this anymore,” Brett sobbed, as she laid her head down on the table and cried uncontrollably. She lamented lost love, lost opportunities, and her mother’s imminent death. She wept until she fell asleep, in part due to the alcohol and her lack of food. Her unwashed body slumped against the table in restless slumber as she fought against the alcohol that barely anesthetized her from her pain and anguish. 
    While Brett slept restlessly, Taylor was introduced to

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