Mated to the Berserkers: A Menage Shifter Romance

Mated to the Berserkers: A Menage Shifter Romance by Lee Savino Page A

Book: Mated to the Berserkers: A Menage Shifter Romance by Lee Savino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lee Savino
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and keep close to me.”
    She frowned but stepped closer, her eyes trained on the rock at my feet.
    “Good lass.”
    I fought my own wariness as we stepped into the clearing. Samuel had ordered all the pack to remain as men for this trial visit. Our wolf forms reminded her of her attack. So a score of men stared as they caught Brenna’s scent. The other dozen would be hunting, or on patrol.
    Brenna started to look up, and I softly reminded her, “Eyes.”
    As we moved out into the open, her heart beat faster, and her scent tinged with nervousness, which only made the men stare longer. The only thing more enticing than a beautiful, trembling woman was her fear. It screamed ‘prey.’
    Brenna’s frightened scent tasted delicious. At this rate, I doubted we’d reach the center of the clearing before a Berserker tried to take a bite out of her.
    Gripping her wrist, I drew her closer.
    “Calm yerself, lass,” I ordered quietly. “I willnae let harm come to ye.” I glared at the others over her head. A few men ducked their head in submission.
    Samuel entered the clearing, naked but for a loincloth. As his gaze swept the gathering, the rest of the warriors took care to show no interest in the Alpha’s woman. They went back to tending the fire, readying a great spit for the meat, or sharpening weapons. All except Fergus who remained a wolf who tucked his head as Brenna and I passed him. If Brenna recognized the wolf with reddish brown fur as the young red head male who’d rushed at her, she made no sign.
    Samuel motioned us over to where he sat on a great rock like a king on a throne. I laid a pelt at his feet and bade Brenna sit beside him. Leaning forward, he rested a hand on the back of her neck.
    Once the meat was roasted, I offered Samuel the best portion. He carved with his knife and hand fed our beloved bit by bit. Her cheeks pinked enticingly, but she did not refuse any of his offerings.
    Either Samuel or I touched her often, trying to keep a hand on her at all times. Claiming her. Showing the pack she could behave.
    She kept her eyes lowered, even when the warriors started one of their favorite games, throwing their axes at a log Wulfgar had dragged up the mountain. Siebold made Fergus, the smallest and weakest of the pack, collect the axes. Samuel allowed this show of dominance, though he watched carefully.
    In wolf form, Fergus carried the axe back and set it at Siebold’s feet. He trotted back to the target when the very axe he’d returned sliced by him, nearly catching his tail.
    Fergus yipped and ran.
    Siebold laughed until a small metal tipped spear sliced his shoulder. Outraged he looked for the thrower. Wulfgar stood with arms folded, glowering. Siebold was fourth in pack hierarchy, and not for lack of trying to be third. Wulfgar had bested the blond warrior more than once.
    Gritting his teeth, Siebold pulled the spearhead from his flesh. Blood spurted down his bare muscles. He didn’t take his eyes off Wulfgar’s.
    Wulfgar growled in challenge.
    Beside me Brenna gasped.
    The spell was broken; Siebold glanced at our beloved, golden eyes bright.
    I realized Brenna was staring at the blond warrior. I shoved her head down.
    Still angry, Siebold took a step towards Brenna. Samuel was on his feet in an instant, with a roar that shook the mountain. Half the pack dropped to all fours, starting to shift. I pulled Brenna up with an arm secured around her neck. She gripped my forearm, her head turning to my chest, her eyes squeezed shut.
    This was a verra bad idea.
    Samuel snarled at the pack. If he lost control now—
    Luck arrived in the form of a small red wolf. Fergus ran back into the gathering, barking news.
    Intruder…at the foot of the mountain.
    Tension, already high, rippled through the pack. As one the warriors rose. Those in human form grabbed weapons, those in wolf form waiting for their Alpha’s command.
    “Wulfgar, Siebold, with me.” Samuel’s eyes glittered gold. I felt his fury, the beast

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