Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Refuse to Settle (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Refuse to Settle (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Stephanie Haefner Page B

Book: Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Refuse to Settle (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Stephanie Haefner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Haefner
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made eyes at her roommate so she got the hint and walked away. “Sorry about that.”
    “No worries.” He pulled her close for one last kiss. “I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”
    She nodded. “Okay.” She looked so exhausted and so adorable at the same time.
    “Goodnight.” Colin stepped away from her and headed for his car, ending what was probably the most perfect date he’d ever had.

Chapter 8
    Jilly breezed into the café the next morning, still on Cloud 9. Actually, no. It was more like Cloud 20. She’d never felt this high before.
    The morning flew by as she took care of customers and worked on some ideas for new menu items. Maybe she’d start doing cold-pressed juices and smoothies. But that would involve a bunch of new equipment, which was not in the budget right now.
    The door chime rang and the mailman strolled in. “Good afternoon, Jilly.”
    “It is a good afternoon!” She took the stack of envelopes he handed her.
    She thumbed through the mail. Advertisements, catalogs, and ugh…bills. She opened the electric bill. It sure cost a lot of money to keep her lights on and the refrigerator running 24/7. Next. A bill from Mama Earth Food Supply. It was really sad how much quality food products cost. She got to the bottom of the bill, scared for the total, and next to it was big red letters: Past Due!
    She missed a bill? How had that happened? And now there was a hefty penalty fee. Great.
    The bell chimed. Was it the mailman again? Did he have more bills he forgot to give her? Instead it was the one man she wanted to see more than any other.
    “Hi.” Colin’s smile made everything better. She stepped out from behind the counter and let him pull her into his embrace. “How’s your day going?”
    “Better, now that you’re here.”
    “Is something wrong?”
    She couldn’t tell him about her oversight. She was too embarrassed. “It’s just café stuff. Don’t worry about it.”
    “I don’t know much about the restaurant business, but you know…” He pulled back and met her gaze, that damn sexy sparkle in his eyes. “I am a pretty successful businessman. Maybe I can help.”
    Maybe he genuinely could, but she didn’t need anyone to fix her problems. “I can handle it. On my own.”
    “Okay.” He looked around, and after seeing the café was empty, leaned in for a kiss.
    Now that was definitely something he could do to help her. She instantly felt better. The kiss stayed PG, but she enjoyed every second, until it was interrupted by the rumble of his stomach.
    “I’ll make you something to eat. What are you in the mood for?”
    His eyes narrowed and the left side of his lips curled into a wicked grin. “What I want isn’t on the menu.”
    Oh, my. Was there a sudden heat wave blowing through the café? “Well, for now, you need to pick something off the menu.”
    He gave an exaggerated sigh, said, “Fine,” then looked up at the menu on the wall. “I don’t see much meat.”
    “I have a few things. The turkey and cheddar panini, a grilled chicken wrap.”
    “How about the panini, but add some chicken, too.” He turned back to her and shrugged. “Don’t hate me. I like meat.”
    Jilly stuck her tongue out at him. “Comin’ right up.” She stepped behind the counter and pulled out two slices of multigrain sourdough, perfect for paninis. She glanced out from the kitchen and he looked so at home in her café, seated at one of the tables with the paper. And she kinda liked it. A lot.
    Amazing how different she felt about him now compared to when they’d first met. He could be completely arrogant, but also incredibly sweet and caring. How had this pain-in-the-ass wiggled his way into her life…maybe into her heart?
    *   *   *
    Colin could get used to this. A dynamite sandwich delivered by the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on. And not in the 50’s mentality of the woman waiting on the man, but just the ease and simplicity of it all. The comfort and

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