Merkiaari Wars: 02 - What Price Honour
chatted. What do you think of that?”
    Gina shrugged. “Maybe he wanted another take on things.”
    Denton’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “From a civ? ”
    She shrugged again but was saved from any further explanations when she reached the door of the conference room.
    “Stein’s inside,” Denton said and left her to it.
    Gina ran a hand over her head again, but making a Marine’s ‘high and tight’ crop presentable, especially after it had been crammed inside a sweaty helmet for hours, was impossible. She tucked her helmet under her arm, knocked once, and entered to find a number of people attending the Major.
    Eric was standing to one side of the room watching the proceedings. He was wearing a viper’s black BDU (battle dress uniform) complete with rank insignia of a captain in the 501 st infantry. He nodded to her, but did not speak. Stein was half reclining on a couch, while Doctor Pearce, still wearing his bloodied combat armour and sidearm, worked on him. One look at Lieutenant Pearce’s face relieved Gina of some part of her worry. He was concerned for his patient, but it was nothing more than that. Stein must be on the mend.
    Gina came to attention and saluted. “You wanted to see me, sir?”
    Stein waved Pearce aside so that he might see her better. “Yes, Gunny. You were aware, were you not, of my orders concerning the rebel attack?”
    “Specifically, sir?” she asked in puzzlement.
    “Specifically the orders pertaining to collateral damage.”
    She stiffened. “Yes, sir. We were to keep collateral damage to a minimum, sir.”
    “And did you?”
    “No, sir.”
    “Why not?”
    “No excuses, sir.”
    Stein smiled. “Relax, Gunny, I didn’t call you in here to ream you out. I want to hear what you did and why.”
    Gina glanced at Eric, but he gave nothing away. She didn’t believe his innocent expression for one minute. He had been telling tales—she would bet her pulser on it.
    “I took command and attacked the rebels with everything at my disposal, sir.”
    Stein laughed but winced and raised a hand to his bandaged head. “I’m aware that you attacked, Gunny. How did you deploy your forces?”
    “I ordered Charlie Company to hold here and defend the parliament building, while Alpha and Bravo advanced by squads into the plaza. Once the rebels had been softened up with rocket and pulser fire, I sent five squads from each company down the side roads in an effort to flank the enemy and bring them under multiple fields of fire.”
    Stein nodded slowly. “I see. And did that work?”
    “Yes, sir,” Gina said with just a trace of pride in her words. “The rebels failed to take note of the manoeuvre, and were utterly destroyed some little time later.”
    “No one surrendered, sir.” She glanced at Eric again. He had a small smile on his face.
    She hadn’t lied. The rebels hadn’t surrendered, but then, she hadn’t given them time to offer. Lieutenant Strong had ordered her to kill them, and that’s exactly what she had done—down to the last man and woman.
    “I’ll be writing a commendation in your permanent file, Gunny,” Stein was saying. “You cared for my people when I was unable to. That holds great weight with me. I’m promoting you to lieutenant for your outstanding contribution to our mission here.”
    Gina gasped. A battlefield commission? Such things were almost unheard of these days.
    Stein smiled briefly. “Well, have you nothing to say?”
    “Thank you,” she gasped. “I mean thank you, sir, but I don’t deserve—”
    “Cut the crap,” Stein said with a mock glare. “You deserve it. You know it and I know it. In just a month or so, headquarters will also know it. I have no doubt they will concur with my decision, but until then you have the grade, but not the pay I’m afraid.”
    “The Alliance always was stingy,” Eric said with a straight face. “Congratulations.”
    “Thank you, sir.” Gina shook his hand. She turned back to

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