Merrily Mated (Ouachita Mountain Shifters 3)
bandages. “She’ll have a bit of permanent damage from this,” she said softly.
    Ryan continued to pet his female, stroking from her head between her ears, across her shoulders to the base of her fractured tail.
    “How bad?”
    “I’m not sure. Could be something as simple as a crooked tail, some chronic lower back pain in her human form.”
    “Or she might have to relearn the use of her tail. There’s no way to tell yet.”
    Ryan knew how crucial a cat’s tail was. It wasn’t just a fancy appendage to make them look more regal. The tail helped them balance. It helped them keep direction when they ran. They used it when fighting, playing, and as an indication of feeling. In human terms, it would be akin to losing a big toe or a thumb.
    “The trap created a U-like injury where it clamped down, the two lines of the U forming two separate wounds on her tail.” Doc used her fingers to explain. “The upper one, luckily, only separated the cartilage. Painful, but easy to sew back together. It should heal okay barring any nerve damage. The lower one however, fractured a vertebrae. There’s nothing to do for that except let it mend and hope for the best.”
    “But the mating bond. It can fix this right? I can fix this.”
    Doc gave him a sad curve of her lips. “I’m a straight-shooter, Ryan. I won’t give you false hope. A lot of time has been lost here. More than twelve hours. And… if what Beth told me is right, you didn’t even know Layna was your mate. That means the bond is weak. A weak bond has less power.”
    She was saying it carefully, but he caught her drift. If he’d been here, instead of off in Memphis, the chance of Layna healing would be better.
    “This is my fault,” he whispered.
    “How can it be? You didn’t know she was yours.”             
    Ryan shook his head. “I knew she was mine. I didn’t know I was hers.”
    Doc frowned. “Isn’t it the same?”
    “No. From the moment I first saw Layna, I was drawn to her. She was the flame and I was the moth. But the feelings weren’t mutual. She has nothing for me, and I was the star burning up as I fell through her atmosphere. So I left, hoping we could both be happy that way.” He dragged his fingers through Layna’s fur, avoiding Doc’s gaze. “I should have stayed. I should have been like a cat, and forced my way into her heart. Or at the very least, kept watch over her. Why didn’t I do that?”
    “Because you’re human.”
    “No need to remind me of my faults.”
    Doc shook her head. “It’s not a fault. You’re human. You’re the best part of us. The part that tempers the animal. If it weren’t for our human side, we’d be feral. Humans aren’t lower than shifters. In fact… I’d give anything to not be torn between the animal in me and the person. To be of one kind instead of two…” She stopped, clamping her mouth shut.
    “Layna isn’t of the same opinion.”
    “You sure about that?”
    Ryan frowned, replaying their exchanges under a different filter.
    “Perhaps her denials were for a different reason altogether. Now is your chance to find out. But Ryan, a bit of advice?”
    He nodded for her to continue, words getting strangled in his throat.
    “Layna is strong and independent and fiercely loyal to the clan. Only she knows her reasons for hiding this bond. But she’s a female cougar. It’s who she is, just like being human is for you. The cat is as much a part of her as the woman. You have to treat her animal like an animal or it won’t recognize your intentions.” She raised an eyebrow. “Get my drift?”
    Ryan nodded, staring down at his mate. The female cats were used to pushy males and relationships based on primal need. Love had little to do with it.
    If he had to hide away his feelings for her in order to grow their bond, he’d do it. If he had to pretend he only wanted her body, he would. Whatever it took for the cat to know he meant business. He’d take care of

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