water. She came up to the surface and laughed at Leyance’s
    “ Are you crazy?” he asked,
not sure if he should laugh or scowl.
    “ Maybe, who knows. It’s
nice, come on in,” she replied smiling brightly.
    “ Like this?” he asked,
motioning to his clothes.
    “ Yeah, I’m in my clothes
too. It’s fun, and we need to relax. Do I have to order you to come
in?” She laughed.
    “ You wouldn’t do that,” he
countered smiling.
    “ Then come in before I’m
forced to.”
    “ Fine, fine, you win,”
Leyance responded. Then he too leapt into the water. The coolness
seemed to heal them both as they enjoyed splashing, swimming, and
relaxing as the lights danced below them.
    “ Hey, I learned some new
moves today,” Gina shared, and, to demonstrate, she attacked
Leyance. They playfully struggled for awhile but suddenly stopped
as they realized that they were both holding each other, lips
inches apart. They both breathed heavily, as if to take in the
essence of the other. Leyance leaned in as his hand slid up Gina’s
neck to cradle her head. Gina’s world spun around her as Leyance
became closer and closer, their lips were about to touch. She
wanted them to but something held her back. Just as they were about
to kiss, Gina pushed Leyance away. He looked up, stunned as if
coming out of a dream. She avoided his eyes, afraid to see his look
of hurt that her rough action had caused.
    “ I can’t. I’m sorry, I
can’t,” she stuttered. She swam to the edge and crawled
    “ Gina…”
Leyance began, but she grabbed her belongings and ran off down the
hidden path. He called after her. “Gina, please come back! Gina! ”

    From that day on, Gina avoided the one person
who had brought her comfort and happiness. She couldn’t help it.
Gina knew she’d been attracted to Leyance since the day he saved
her. Now, she knew that he must care for her, but she was not about
to complicate her life any further. It was best if she kept away.
So, instead, Gina concluded to drown herself in her training and
royal duties. Still, she could not get her mind off that man. One
moment, she’d be fighting her trainer, then her thoughts would
drift to that night, and, before she knew it, she’d be imagining
kissing the man she knew she could not want. In fact, Gina was
constantly questioning why she continued to imagine kissing Leyance
and holding him close to her when she knew that it would be too
complicated for her taste. She had not known many men before,
especially not many whom had liked her when she liked them.
Besides, she felt too young for him, despite the fact he seemed
near in age to her. Yet, to have someone show her such affection,
she could not help daydreaming about giving in to it. She felt that
this was often a problem in romantic emotions. In her experience,
there had always been a fine line between liking someone because
she truly cared for him and trying to like him simply because she
knew he liked her. Suddenly, pain interrupted these thoughts as her
scream pierced the air. These emotions and thoughts, which
constantly swam in Gina’s head, were obviously affecting her work
    “ Your Majesty? Are you
alright?” Kaleb asked. Gina lay on the ground. Her thoughts had
completely prevented her from blocking her trainer’s blow to her
side. She now felt the consequence.
    “ Forgive me,” Gloria said,
“but you seem to be a bit distracted.”
    “ I know, I know,” Gina
said. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
    “ Then might I suggest
taking the day off?” Gloria suggested. “You won’t accomplish
anything with your mind on something else. The only thing you can
accomplish is becoming frustrated.”
    “ I agree,” Kaleb joined in.
“Take the day off.”

    Leyance lay awake in his bed, staring at the
ceiling. Thoughts and emotions swam through his head as well.
Finally, he restlessly rolled over and got up. He then hurried out
of his room. Slowly and quietly, he entered Gina’s

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