Microsoft Word - Documento1

Microsoft Word - Documento1 by Unknown Page A

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Authors: Unknown
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who’s visiting from South Florida. Sophie took them on a quick tour. She’s out-done herself with this place, don’t you think?”
    Chance glanced at his friend, intrigued by his tone that contained a mix of pride, approval, and… Searching for a word, all he could come up with was loyalty. “You haven’t even tied the knot yet, and you’re beginning to sound like an old married man.”
    “Yeah.” A man of few words, Tracker thought for a minute. “Yeah.” He didn’t sound a bit displeased. “By the way, I developed those pictures we took on our fishing trip. Looks like there are only the two sentry stations we spotted, but I’m betting he has other guards patrolling the beach. It won’t be a piece of cake, but I can get you off the place by water.
    Any word on when you leave?”
    “Day after tomorrow.”
    Tracker shot him a look. “You’re cutting it close. What if Natalie doesn’t agree to go?”
    “I’ll just have to make her an offer she can’t refuse.” Chance’s gaze drifted to the flight of stairs that ran up the far wall of the store. He knew there was one display room on the second floor and another, smaller space where Sophie kept an office. His mystery woman had to be up there.
    “Natalie’s sisters are right over there if you want to ask them when she’s expected to arrive.”
    Dragging his eyes from the stairs, Chance shifted his attention to where Tracker was pointing.
    “The blonde is the academic,” Tracker said. “Her name’s Sierra and Mac says that there was quite a buzz when both the anthropology department and the psychology department at Georgetown hired her. And the short dark-haired one is Rory. She’s a freelance writer.
    If you want, I can introduce you— Uh-oh, Sophie’s giving me a signal. You’re on your own.”
    The moment Tracker began to make his way through the crowd, Chance opted to edge his way along the wall to where the two Gibbs sisters were standing and surveying the party.
    But reaching them was easier said than done. Two major hurdles stood in his path—a group of women and a tall potted tree. He began to edge his way around the women.
    “This is such a crush,” a tall brunette said. “I’m going to have to come back when I can really see this place.”

    “Me, too,” another woman said.
    “Look, over there. Isn’t that Mame Appelgate who writes a column for the Washington Post? All it will take is a mention from her, and it’ll be a crush here tomorrow, too.”
    Chance found himself temporarily wedged between the wall and a potted palm. Through the leaves, he could see Sierra’s cheeks were flushed, and she shook her head as Rory offered her something from the well-stocked plate she was holding.
    “I can’t eat,” Sierra said.
    “Relax. Natalie will be fine,” Rory managed around a mouthful of pastry.
    Sierra glanced at her watch. “I think you should go upstairs and check on her.”
    Though he hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, Chance moved closer.
    “Uh-uh. I value my life too much,” Rory said. “Besides, she said she only needed a few minutes to get in character. You know Nat. She doesn’t like to appear as a new ‘persona’
    until the disguise is perfect and she’s had a chance to assume her new persona. Harry was like that, too. Remember the game he played with us when he would show up at the door and we wouldn’t be able to figure out who he was?”
    “Nat always knew,” Sierra said.
    “Just like I always knew when he was bluffing at poker.” Rory paused with a shrimp halfway to her mouth to sigh. “You know, I still miss him.”
    “Me, too,” Sierra said. “Have you thought about when you’re going to open your letter?”
    “No. I figure I’ll know when the time is right. But I’m going to wait until Natalie has had her adventure. I’ll need both of you there when I do.”
    “Yes,” Sierra agreed. “I will, too.”
    Rory studied the food on her plate and then offered it to Sierra again. “Come on. You’ll

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