Microsoft Word - Jacks-Marcy-Mated-to-the-Wild-Omega.doc

Microsoft Word - Jacks-Marcy-Mated-to-the-Wild-Omega.doc by Owner

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we thought.”
    Terry hoped that they would. He didn’t want to be caught by any other alpha werewolves, or hunters, ever again.
    * * * *

    “What do you think, Tony?” Chance asked. He was the youngest

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    in their group, and the easiest to scare, as noted by the way he gripped  his shotgun. His leather mitts dangled by long strings of yarn from the  sleeves of his winter coat, like he was some sort of four-year-old.
    Tony scratched his chin. “Hard to say. Didn’t see a car or truck for  that one guy to get here in, but that could’ve been in the garage and  all this snowfall could’ve covered the tracks. I think we should still
    tell Tatum about it. I think he was right. People around here are  strange.”
    “Yeah, and did you see that guy’s eyes? They were all blank and  shit. Creeps me out.”
    “You think they’re werewolves?” Storm asked.
    Tony had once before asked Storm what his real name was since  no one outside of Hollywood would ever give their only son a name  like that. Storm had growled at him, the one eye that was not covered  with a black pirate-looking eye patch glaring, and Tony had dropped  it completely.
    “Might be, but I never heard about any werewolves living in this  area, only that the wild ones were sometimes seen here, but yeah, we  should go and let Tatum know the place is occupied. That guy said  there were others in that house, and we didn’t get a look at them.”
    “And he seemed a little too calm considering we were on his  property with these in our hands,” Chance said, holding out the  shotgun he held, as though Tony could’ve missed it.
    Kid was going to end up shooting himself before this mission was  over, he just knew it.
    “Right. Let’s move on out. I’m freezing my dick off, here,” Tony  said, looking over at Storm when the words left his mouth. He had a  good idea of how he wanted to warm up that part of his anatomy. He  hoped the other man had caught onto the hint and would be willing  tonight. He hated having to persuade him.
    “Yeah, I’m freezing my dick off, too,” Chance said, hurrying  ahead of them.
    Tony was wrong. The kid wasn’t going to accidentally shoot

    Mated to the Wild Omega                      49

    himself. Tony was going to shoot him on purpose before this was all

    * * * *

    Terry was on edge by the time Morgan came back into the room.  He jumped up from where he’d been sitting on the bed, and even that took a lot of effort considering how he would’ve preferred to be pacing around the room.
    That was more of the wild animal in him, and he was trying to suppress that part of himself now. So instead, he looked at Morgan and demanded to know what the plan was.
    Morgan looked out the window. The storm had set in once more, and it was easy to see that it would only take another couple of minutes before it was a complete white out once more.
    That made Terry all the more jumpy. He felt like he was being caged, and the urge to run out of this cabin and out into the open space was all consuming.
    The only thing that stopped him was the knowledge that it would kill him if he went.
    “We need to stay here, at least until morning. It’s starting to get  dark out, and the storm’s picking up. I doubt it will last through the  night, so the second it’s safe to do so, we’ll be going.”
    Now that Terry was up, and actually, he had started to pace  around without realizing it, he couldn’t sit back down or stop his body  from shaking.
    “They were hunters. They were hunters, and they want to strap us  down to tables and do things to us, and we need to get out of here  right now.”
    “Shh, baby, shh,” Morgan said, stepping forward to grab onto his  shoulders and pull Terry against his chest. “You’re getting yourself  worked up. I know they’re likely a threat, and it sucks, but there’s  nothing that

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