Microsoft Word - Jacks-Marcy-Mated-to-the-Wild-Omega.doc

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can be done for it now. We just have to stay here for the

    50                            Marcy Jacks
    night, keep ourselves quiet, and the first thing we’ll do in the morning  is get out of here.”
    “They want to skin us. They want to hurt us,” Terry said, unable  to stop talking, so he just squeezed Morgan even tighter, as though  protecting the alpha from all the things the hunters would do to him  when they caught them, as well as taking in the comfort.
    “I know, but they’re not going to. I won’t let them.”
    “That’s what the last alpha said,” Terry said, his body shaking all  over. “And he’s gone.”
    “The last…?” Morgan said, his mouth dropping. “Terry, did you  come from Phillip’s pack?”
    There were flashes passing through his mind now, images that he  couldn’t stop but couldn’t make sense of either.
    First, everything was fine. The sun was shining and the pups were  playing. Terry was actually playing around with one of the other  omegas, but in the haze, he couldn’t remember exactly who it had  been, or what the guy’s name was. It didn’t matter. They had been  laughing and joking as they chopped up firewood and collected other  small sticks to bring back to the pack. Then the scene swirled, and  that same image turned bloody red. The noise in the background  changed from birds twittering in their nests to screams. Screams that  were close and far away.
    Terry could recall running through the trees, covered in blood, and  shouts behind him. He could see the men, one on each side, always in  pairs as they did it, skinning wolves alive. It made Terry cry and  cover his eyes, but the images were still there as those humans took  turns grabbing his friends by their hind legs, slicing into the skin,  and…
    “Terry? Terry! Look at me, babe. Come on out of it.”
    Morgan was snapping his fingers in front of Terry’s face, and it  worked to pull Terry out of the nightmare he’d just been in. Kind of.
    Suddenly, he couldn’t recall where he was or how he’d gotten  there, and he realized he was in the arms of a naked someone, and he

    Mated to the Wild Omega                      51

    flew across the bed.
    “Shit, Terry.”
    The voice was calm, despite how out of control Terry felt. He had  a case of the jitters all over his body, and again, all he could think  about was escape.
    “Morgan? You okay?”
    There was someone else here, too. That was right, another wolf.  That other male werewolf was outside the door was part of this group.  Maybe Terry could go to him, make him see reason, and then the  three of them could get out of here before they were all skinned alive  like the others.
    The fear and terror Terry felt vanished. Like the channel had been changed inside his mind, there were no longer any frightening images for him to look at. Only Morgan’s calm and patient face. He was beautiful, Terry realized. He’d known it from the second he first laid eyes on the man, but only now did he allow himself to really think it.
    He wished his mind would stop playing tricks on him and that his memories would straighten out. He didn’t know how much more of this he could take.
    “Terry, it’s okay. I’m the only one in this room with you. I swear I  won’t let anything happen to you.”
    “Morgan?” the voice behind the door called again.
    “I’m okay, Nick. We’re doing just fine.”
    Nick. So that was the name of the other werewolf Terry had heard  about.
    “You don’t know what they did…” Terry said, reaching up to  scratch the itch on his face, but his fingers came away wet. He used  the back of his hands next to wipe away the tears and clear the itching  the trailing moisture had caused.
    Morgan bit his bottom lip, staring down at Terry like he felt sorry  for him. Terry didn’t like that at all, but then he supposed the fact that  he was balancing on the edge of a blade as to

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