Microsoft Word - Jacks-Marcy-Mated-to-the-Wild-Omega.doc

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whether he would  suddenly go wild or not would bring out that sort of reaction.

    52                            Marcy Jacks
    “I’m almost sixty years old, Terry, and I’ve been lucky enough to  have never seen the things you saw. I’m sorry that happened to you,  and I’m sorry the hunters…did those things to your friends. But Nick  and I are here now. We’re prepared for attack. They can’t sneak up on  us if we’re expecting them. One of us will stand guard all night, and  the second we’re able, we’ll head back to my pack.”
    “Your pack?” Terry asked.
    Morgan shook his head, smiling, as though realizing his blunder.  “Well, the pack isn’t mine. I’m not the leading alpha, but I live there.  You’re a wandering omega now, and my mate, so I’ll claim you for  DeWitt’s pack. You’re perfectly safe with me and Nick, and you’ll be  better protected when I take you home.”
    “They attacked my pack…” Terry said.
    He almost slipped back into that strange world where he was  awake but still had nightmares about what he saw, but Morgan  gripped him by the shoulders, not allowing him to go into that place.
    “I know. Mine has been attacked before, too. By wild wolves,  hunters, all of it. Those things happen, and we are prepared for them.  There’s so many new werewolves back at the pack that we’re running  out of space to put them all in. We had to start building new houses.”
    “Really?” Terry asked.
    Morgan nodded. “Yeah. We recently got a benefactor who’s been  funding a lot of the repairs.”
    There was a twitch in Morgan’s mouth when he said the word  benefactor, and Terry got the idea that there was something about this  mysterious person that Morgan didn’t want him to know.
    He let it go for now. His human mind was back, and mostly in  control. He didn’t want to give that up again by flipping out.
    “Anyway, Nick said that he found a bag of rice in one of the  downstairs cupboards. So with the soup over there that you still have,  we can make a good supper if you wanted to come downstairs.”
    Terry thought about it for a minute, and he didn’t need to think for  long. “Okay.”

    Mated to the Wild Omega                      53

    Morgan smiled at him, reached out, and took his hand, leading
    him toward the door.
    Terry planted his feet and stopped before Morgan could touch the
    Morgan looked back at him, worry in his eyes. “What is it?”
    Terry looked down at himself, as though only just noticing it, which was strange, considering he’d spent the last couple of months completely naked.
    “I…Do you think there’s any clothes around here for me to wear?”

    54                            Marcy Jacks

    Chapter Seven
    The fact that he wanted to wear clothing was a good sign. It meant that the more animal side to him was starting to merge once again with his human side.
    It kind of made Morgan yearn for some clothes as well. The only thing for clothing that he and Nick had found when those hunters came on the property was the winter jacket, snow pants, and boots.  They hadn’t really bothered to search for anything else. Now, Morgan went through the drawers with Terry.
    They did find some clothing in the mostly empty drawers. The problem was that, whoever owned this cabin was much wider than either Morgan or Terry.
    Morgan had suspected as much when Nick put on the winter jacket, but that could be excused because people often wore layers and needed to buy jackets that were bigger than what they’d usually
    The jeans Terry pulled from the cheap IKEA-looking dresser looked like they were tailored to fit a man three times his size.  Morgan couldn’t help but laugh when Terry compared the faded jeans to his own smaller hips by putting them side to side.
    “You look like you could get lost in those,” Morgan said.
    The fact that Terry didn’t smile back

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