Midnight Surrender: A Paranormal Romance Anthology
three fingers and shrugged.
    Jonathan rolled his eyes. He would not be this plastered after just three beers.
    Franklin belched in Jonathan’s face then giggled like a girl.
    Jonathan wanted to bitch-slap him until he followed Franklin’s gaze to the crushed cans of non-alcoholic beer hidden in the side pocket of his suede jacket. Wow. This was just an act? Jonathan leaned in and whispered, “You’re not really drunk?”
    “ Of course not.”
    The man deserved an Oscar for his role as Drunk and Obnoxious Jonathan McKnight.
    “ If you spill even one drop of that nasty fake beer on my coat, I’ll kill you.”
    Tyler coughed into his fist and said, “Heather’s here.”
    The sound of bell-like laughter floated up from the trail.
    Franklin froze then started backing away before the girls were even in view. “I’m gonna puke.”
    He bolted into the bushes like a frightened deer.
    Heather squinted her eyes and leaned forward. “Was that Franklin McKnight? Is he drunk?”
    Time to intervene. “H-h-hey H-Heather, I’d like t-to talk to you as s-soon as I m-make sure J-Jonathan’s okay. He’s had a little too m-m-much to drink.”
    Jonathan held his breath to make his face turn red and hoped that would convince Heather that she had the boys mixed up.
    “ Of course, do you need any help?”
    Tyler smacked Jonathan on the back. “I’ve got it covered. You go talk to Heather while I make sure your drunken brother doesn’t fall down a mine shaft or something.”
    “ Um … okay.” Jonathan swallowed loudly and rubbed his palms on his jeans as if they were sweaty. Franklin wasn’t the only one that could act. “D-do you w-wanna g-g-go somewhere t-to talk?”
    Heather lowered her gaze and peeked at him from under thick lashes. She was actually sort of cute. Jonathan grabbed her hand and led her back down the trail, away from the fire and the crowd. He didn’t want an audience in case this blew up in his face, so he waited until they were out of everyone’s line of sight to turn his full attention to Heather.
    She stared at their linked hands and grinned. “So … what’s on your mind, Franklin?”
    “ I… uh… yeah, well… I was w-wondering if you w-would go to H-h-homecoming with me?” Jonathan’s voice cracked when he said ‘me’ but Heather didn’t seem to notice — or maybe she just didn’t care. The way her eyes lit up when she smiled changed her whole face. Why hadn’t he noticed her before? Maybe because she’d never smiled at him. She was more than just cute. She was adorable. And perfect for Franklin.
    She stepped forward and put one trembling hand on Jonathan’s chest. “I would love to go with you.”
    Jonathan smiled, flashing his dimples.
    Heather rose up on her toes, slipped her hand behind his neck and tugged.
    For the first time in his life, Jonathan didn’t know what to do when a girl wanted to kiss him. He didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but if Franklin found out, he’d never forgive him.
    Heather made the decision for both of them. Jonathan kept his mouth closed and his eyes open. The snap of a twig alerted him that someone was close.
    He pulled away just as Franklin stepped around the bend. He didn’t say a word. He didn’t need to. The look of betrayal in his eyes said it all. He shook his head then stepped off the path, giving Jonathan and Heather a wide berth.
    Jonathan grabbed Franklin’s shoulder as he passed. “Wait. I can explain.”
    Frankie jerked out of Jonathan’s grasp then ran down the trail.
    “ Where do you think you’re going?” There was nothing down there but the parking lot. Franklin wouldn't leave without him. Would he? Of course he would. Jonathan didn’t like leaving Heather alone on the trail, but he needed to straighten things out with Franklin. 
    She should be fine as long as she went back to the group around the fire.
    “ Heather, sweetheart, I need you to go back to the party and find your friends. Stay together and stay away from Rich

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