Mira's Hope
that, but after Elenio and Tark argued with her for a few
minutes that this training was necessary, she continued again. They
were taking more precautions though, like not practicing around
objects such as trees and rocks if it could be avoided.
    She saw, as well as felt changes occurring in
her and through her. She had always been able to defend herself
fairly well with the sword, but when she first started this
regimen, she frequently had to stop and think of what she wanted
magically to happen. When this happened, she inevitably found
herself lying on the ground with a sword pointed at her.
    However, as the weeks progressed, she found
herself developing different strategies for dealing with both of
them magically and with her sword, almost as if she were combining
the two skills. She imagined the wind sweeping one of them off
their feet with the swinging of her sword and as she swung, the
wind moved with her, as if it were an extension of her arm. She had
done the same thing using fire on a fallen branch a couple of
times. It was as if her sword had become what Morgo said was her
focal point and as such, she was able to become more efficient at
    They had training sessions first thing in the
morning and after their evening meals, which made their travelling
go slower, but Galena felt this was more necessary than finding the
cave at the moment. The terrified feeling she experienced every
time she thought of the cave, was reason enough to take their time
getting there. Learning to magically fight was just a bonus in her
mind. Once Tark saw how well Galena had progressed in such a short
time, he decided they should reduce the amount of training time
they spent with her every day. At least he claimed it was Galena’s
progression that brought him to this decision, but Galena suspected
the broken leg he suffered from being thrown into a tree, might
have helped him reach that decision a little more quickly. Either
way, she and Elenio agreed with him.
    It was on that same day that Galena decided
it was time to grow another tree home for them to rest in for the
night. She was weary of sleeping on the ground and she knew the
others felt the same way. Plus, she desperate for a good hot bath
and a chance to clean her clothes. They were getting positively
stiff from the grit and grime that goes with traveling.
    After waving off Elenio and Tark’s concerns,
she combed the area for any sign of a seed, realizing that it might
be too late in the season to find one. Finding none, she decided
she would try using a branch from a tree. She cut a small twig from
a nearby oak and finding a relatively empty space, used her knife,
and dug a small hole in the hard earth. She placed the part of the
twig that had been connected to the tree, in the hole and then sat
down beside it. She’d never heard of growing a tree this way, but
it was worth a try in her mind.
    She closed her eyes and listened to the world
around her. She heard Twoit in her pack clawing around and possibly
throwing her things out once more. Tark and Elenio were a little
ways behind her from the sound of their breathing. The birds in the
woods around them chirped from time to time, too cold to really do
anything else. All of the other woodland animals were quiet, having
retired to their own homes because of the cold weather.
    She concentrated on the small twig in front
of her. In her mind, she saw the development of roots, planting
themselves deep within the ground, giving the base a good support
system for the rest of its days. She watched it grow rapidly in her
mind, shooting to the sky as branches flowed out from the trunk. It
raced into the air, soon passing up all the neighboring trees,
making them seem dwarf size compared to this massive giant. She saw
the leaves sprout and then wither, dying when exposed to the frigid
temperatures surrounding them.
    In her mind, the tree’s growth finally slowed
and she began to concentrate on the first room within the tree.

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