Mira's View
    How long had she been sleeping? And where
was Elenio? “Elenio,” she whispered, not wanting to wake Tark
or alert anyone else to their location.
    “I’m here,” he whispered back as he crept
over to her. He gently cupped her face and kissed the tip of her
    “How long was I sleeping?”
    “It’s well into the night. Dawn won’t be far
around the corner,” he murmured in her ear.
    She placed her forehead against his, savoring
the comfort of having him close. “I didn’t realize how tired I
would be afterward.”
    “Does your foot still bother you?”
    She stretched her foot, testing it, and
noting that it was a little sore, but other than that, it felt
fine. “Back to normal,” she whispered as she sighed with relief.
Secretly, she wondered how far she could push herself before
causing permanent damage.
    Elenio pulled her into his arms, kissing her
forehead, and stroking her hair. “I know Tark thinks it’s okay if
you continue using magic, but I’m not so sure. When I saw you on
the ground after growing a tree, I thought for sure something
terrible had happened. I almost considered strangling Tark for even
suggesting the idea.” He pulled her closer still, putting a finger
under her chin, tilted her face up, and kissed her soundly.
    Galena felt herself melt within his arms.
    When he finally stopped, he rested his head
on top of hers. “Just be really careful. If anything happens to
you, I’ll never forgive myself. Now try to get some more sleep.” He
squeezed her tightly before letting her go and standing up. He
began to walk around, stopping from time to time to examine the
depths of the forest.
    Galena watched him for some time before
drifting off to sleep once more.
    The sound of Tark and Elenio in the middle of
a hushed conversation caused Galena to stir the next morning.
    “She really got hurt the last time,” Elenio
whispered angrily.
    “She really got hurt the first couple times
she used a sword too,” Tark retorted.
    She sat up and stretched, effectively putting
an end to their argument. “I know you both mean well, but
ultimately, the decision is up to me. I want to continue
practicing, but nothing like that tree until I feel a great deal
stronger. Now, what’s for breakfast? I’m starving.”
    After a quick breakfast of more fruit and
bread, they started walking down the road. They discussed the old
days and how different everything must have been when the elves
could shape plants with their minds. Eventually, they fell into a
comfortable silence as they continued down the road, each one left
in their own thoughts.
    Galena passed the miles away by practicing
magic on smaller plants, picking up pebbles and smaller rocks, only
to send them flying through the forests. Tark and Elenio watched
her in mild interest, commenting from time to time on different
ways she could try to use her magic.
    Around noon, they stopped for lunch, finding
an area just off the road that allowed them privacy from other
possible travelers. The trio munched on dried fruit and quork once
more, talking quietly of what they could expect in the next
village. Galena couldn’t help but feel excited. She had never seen
another village. Travelers had come to Tomeka from time to time and
it was always a great occasion, with the whole village gathering to
hear the news from other parts of Tomiro. There were feasts as
well. Galena wondered if the same held true for other places. She
had always assumed that they had, because the traveling elves had
never been surprised by the food and entertainment. It was always
something that nagged at Galena.
    Finishing his food, Tark stood up, and dusted
off his leggings. He stretched, taking in the forest around him. “I
think we should continue to practice. We fought well against the
torlics, but who knows what else Rau has hidden away to do his
bidding.” He removed his sheath and sword from his pack, taking the
sword out and tossing the sheath aside. Getting in a

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