duffle bag Luca
was still holding. “Luca, I’m sorry I dragged you into this. If you
leave now, no one will know you had anything to do with me.”
    His grip around the handle tightened. “The
last time I let you out of my sight, you were nearly mauled to
death. I think I’ll feel better if I at least drive you to your
    I started to argue, but Melissa cut me off.
“Go with Luca Mags. No one will recognize his vehicle. It’s your
best bet, now go.”
    I couldn’t argue with logic. Not only would I
be hidden, but I could cover a large amount of area more quickly in
a car than on foot.
    Once in the driveway, Luca started rummaging
through his trunk. I walked over to help him, but he quickly shut
the trunk door and came around the car with a blanket in hand. He
had become a man of action.
    “Get in the backseat and lie down. Once we’re
out of town you can get in the front seat,” he ordered.
    I complied, not wanting to die today or sit
in a seat I had bled all over last night. Luca covered me with a
blanket and my duffle bag, leaving little room for movement. We
drove away and even though I knew my life would never be the same,
I had no idea the direction it was about to take.

5. Like an Old Married Couple
    Ten minutes later, Luca gave me the all
clear. I grabbed the blanket to cover the front seat, but when I
went to climb over, there was no trace of the hemorrhaging blood
loss I had experienced the night before.
    “Elves and nature magic. I should’ve known
you’d have a stain removal spell,” I mused. “Though I don’t think
you’re the type to wear an apron and cook and clean for your
husband all day,” I said rather pointedly, teasing him.
    “What if I was?” Luca questioned.
    “Well then, your husband’s going to have to
rethink your relationship. In the last half day, you’ve not only
kissed me, but you’re running away with me too. That kind of thing
doesn’t exactly keep the marriage bed a rockin’.”
    My abdomen constricted and I laughed, the
hilarity of the conversation making it impossible not to. Luca’s
chest shook as he chuckled along with me. I quickly found Luca
could give it as well as he could take it.
    “So Mags, what exactly does keep the marriage
bed going?”
    What was he expecting? Was I supposed to clam
up and turn bright red? Sorry, not this girl. “Oh you know, hearts
and flowers…and ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ type of stuff.” I grabbed
onto the door handle and the middle console as the car swerved.
    “There was a, uh, raccoon in the road,” he
    I guess I won that battle. It was time to
change the subject. I’m not a shy type of girl, but sex talk with a
near stranger I was already having dirty thoughts about couldn’t
end well for my dignity.
    “How much farther do we have to go?”
    Luca checked the odometer. “We’ve gone about
twelve miles, so maybe ten more minutes. Do you know what you’re
looking for yet?”
    The envelope I was holding was your standard
white office type, nothing of note about it. My name was the only
thing decorating it. The handwriting wasn’t Melissa’s as I had
assumed, but was familiar, even though I couldn’t quite place its
    “No, but Melissa was sure I would recognize
it. I haven’t been outside Harmony the five years I’ve lived there,
so the list is pretty small.”
    “Never?” He looked shocked, as well he
should. It’s impossible to fathom never leaving a small town once
in five years, but hey, it’s me. The rules seem to go out of the
window where I’m concerned.
    “Extenuating circumstances,” I replied.
    “Anything to do with the roller coaster ride
I’ve been on since I’ve met you?”
    “My entire life has been that roller coaster
ride Luca.”
    “I’m sorry.”
    It was my turn to look confused. “What for?
It’s not your fault.”
    I could have sworn I saw him flinch as if he
felt guilty. You’re imagining things, you’ve just met Luca, I
told myself.

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