Mistress Christmas

Mistress Christmas by Lorelei James Page A

Book: Mistress Christmas by Lorelei James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorelei James
Tags: Fiction, Romance
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    “I’d never really been to one until I moved here. What’s not to like? There’s always tons of yummy bad-for-you food. Dizzying carnival rides. Pie eating and greased pig contests. Admiring the quilters’ displays, watching the tractor pull and the demolition derby.”
    “Darlin’, I’d love to take you home to our county fair. It’s all that plus a rodeo. You’d have a blast.”
    Holly sipped the champagne and studied him in a highly unnerving manner. “You wouldn’t be embarrassed to take someone like me back home to Wyoming?”
    “What do you mean someone like you?” Then it occurred to him he’d been so comfortable with her that he’d completely forgotten Holly earned her living taking off her clothes. Not that he gave a crap what other folks said. “Hell no I wouldn’t have a lick of embarrassment taking you home to meet the folks and neither should you. What you do for a job ain’t all you are, Holly. I’d be damn proud to have you on my arm at the community rodeo dance.”
    “Pity I don’t dance.”
    His glass stopped halfway to his mouth. “Run that by me again?”
    She froze. “Umm. I meant, I don’t couples dance. I’ve never been very good at it.”
    Nick offered a wolfish grin. “Well, it’s your lucky night, ’cause I’m about the best two-stepper this side of Cheyenne.”
    “I imagine you are, but I’m hopeless.”
    “Never know unless you try.” He pointed at her glass. “Drink up and the lesson will begin.”
    “No arguing. This is my fantasy.” He snatched the remote and changed the station.
    Holly stood. “Your fantasy is teaching an uncoordinated acc—” Her mouth snapped shut. “Can’t your fantasy be something simple and male like me giving you a blowjob in the hot tub?”
    “Definitely a possibility for later. Right now my fantasy is two-steppin’ nekkidd with a beautiful woman.” Nick held her gaze as he untied the belt on her robe. The lapels hung open, exposing her from chest to knees. He slipped his fingers beneath the nubby fabric to reach her smooth, warm skin and he gently pushed the robe off her shoulders. It landed on the carpet with a muffled thud. “Your turn.”
    Holly pressed her mouth to the hollow of his throat and made quick work of the knot keeping his robe together. The fabric slithered down his back and pooled on the floor.
    Nick led her to the center of the room and clasped her left hand in his right, bringing her flush against him. He centered his left hand in the small of her back. “Comfy?”
    “No. I feel stupid.”
    “Wrong. You feel great.” Nick kissed her, amazed by the way her mouth floated over his in sweet surrender. Now if he could get her body to move like that, she’d be a two-steppin’ sensation in no time. He’d love to take her to the western bars in the metro area. As they swayed together, he kissed her, lost in her.
    When the song changed to a peppier beat, she balked and broke the kiss. “Wait.”
    “You’re doin’ fine. Easy as falling off a log. Step, step, shuffle back. Step, step, shuffle back. Step, step, shuffle back.”
    Holly dipped her head to stare at her feet and he nudged her chin back up.
    “Eyes on mine. Feel the rhythm in the way your partner moves you, not in your feet. Every partner is different.”
    “How many partners are you preparing me for?”
    Only me . Rather than answer, Nick pulled Holly closer as he took bigger, faster steps.
    She eased forward the same as he did and she stomped on his foot. “Sorry. Good thing I wasn’t wearing shoes.”
    “No biggie.” He circled the room twice and the song ended.
    Holly let go of his hands. Or tried to but Nick held tight.
    “What’s wrong?”
    “Aren’t we done?”
    “We’re just getting started.”
    Her laugh didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I don’t think so.” She jerked free of his hold. “While I appreciate you taking pity on me for my lack of grace, we both know the chances of us ever dancing

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