Moorcroft - the Possession: Book One of the Moorcroft Trilogy

Moorcroft - the Possession: Book One of the Moorcroft Trilogy by Sandra Callister Page A

Book: Moorcroft - the Possession: Book One of the Moorcroft Trilogy by Sandra Callister Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandra Callister
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Paranormal
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“Mother says we are to bring you home, lunch is ready.”
    As they brushed the grass from their clothing, Richard steered Victoria to one side and they headed towards the house. Charles looked at Sarah and smiled. He reached up and released a piece of grass entangled in her long hair. Sarah thinking he was about to kiss her held her breath and stumbled forward and Charles caught her in his arms. They were quite still, looking into each others eyes. She could feel the heat emanating from his body. She knew she should move away, but she didn’t want to. Charles gently kissed her full on the lips. Sarah could feel her knees weaken and leant into him and kissed him back, her heart was pounding and she felt butterflies in her stomach. With his arms still around her she placed her head on his shoulder. Charles kissed the top of her head and held her close; he could smell the fragrance of her.
    “Sarah, you must know how I feel about you. You’re in my mind constantly, first thing in the morning until last thing at night. Richard keeps on asking why I’m smiling all the time. It’s because of you. I care so much for you Sarah and I’m hoping you feel the same.”
    She looked up into his eyes excitement running through her. “Charles I have always cared for you, from the first day Richard brought you home.”
    He hugged her to him. They wanted to stay in each others arms forever and they both laughed when Richard shouted for them to hurry up.
    “Sarah, tonight at the party, you haven’t invited anyone special have you?”
    She smiled. “There is no-one more special than you. I don’t care if no-one turns up at the party tonight as long as I have you by my side.”
    Charles smiled with relief and pulled her into his arms and crushed his lips onto hers. Hand in hand they walked towards the others.
    From a distance Richard could see that they were holding hands and raised an eyebrow. Victoria watched them too and had mixed feelings, she felt a little jealous, but happy for her friend at the same time. Richard with his long strides moved quickly through the grass and bushes leaving Victoria to fend for herself. She practically had to run to keep up with him only catching snatches of his conversation which seemed to be about horses. She snagged her foot on a bramble and fell over, Richard didn’t even notice, by the time she reached his side her clothing was messy and her hair tangled. Richard looked down at her; her face was smudged with mud. Without thinking he raised his hand to wipe the mark from her face and Victoria closed her eyes. His hand touched her cheek and he removed most of the mud with his thumb, she held her breath feeling the familiar tingle deep inside her. Everything seemed still and she opened her eyes to find Richard looking down at her, her heart skipped a beat and she hoped, wished he would move closer. For one minute she thought he was about to kiss her but the moment was lost as he laughed and took several dried leaves from her hair.
    “Come on you mucky pup, lunch is waiting.” Victoria watched him walk away from her towards the house and wondered if that could be taken for a term of endearment.
    Over lunch John constantly grumbled about the upheaval in the house and rushed down his stew and left the dining room to have some peace and quiet in his study. Emily noticed how quiet the children were. She sneaked a look at Sarah who was playing with her stew and kept on giving Charles sideways glances. Charles had a silly grin on his face. She knew what was wrong with them. Richard on the other hand was busy eating and took another bread roll. He always did have a good appetite. Victoria was pushing her food around her plate, but didn’t lift her head to look at the others; she looked quite sullen, most unusual.
    “Is there something wrong with your food Victoria? You’ve hardly touched it.”
    All eyes turned in her direction and the colour rose up her neck.
    “It’s delicious, really. I just

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