Murderer in the Flower of Death

Murderer in the Flower of Death by Mizuki Mizushiro Page A

Book: Murderer in the Flower of Death by Mizuki Mizushiro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mizuki Mizushiro
Tags: Fiction, Comedy
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him. The Warehouse Butcher had become a celebrity on campus. At least it might keep some of the lesser scumbags from messing with him.
    “Hey! Hey, hey, just a secooond!” A pair of meaty hands clapped him on the shoulders.
    What the—?! Where the hell did they come from? But that voice…is that a girl…or a boy?
    “Hellooo. I’m talking to you!

    Kyousuke turned to face an enormous girl dressed in gaudy street fashion standing before him. She must have been six feet tall, with shoulders almost half as wide, and her uniform had been cut and slashed in various places, likely to accommodate her colossal frame. From beneath choppy blond bangs cut straight across, the hulking creature gazed down at Kyousuke, the red tinge to her rough cheeks indicating exactly where her interests lay. She reminded him of that professional wrestler, Bobpp.
    “…Eh?!” Kyousuke, completely at a loss for words, shrank away.
    As he did, the Bobpp–looking girl with the bob haircut—he decided to name her “Bob”—stepped forward on two legs like tree trunks, closing the short distance between them. “What did you say your name was? If you like, you can become my frie—”
    “I’ll pass.”
    “Wha—?” Before she could grab him in her beefy arms, Kyousuke turned tail and ran, followed by her hoarse, flirtatious voice.
    “Wait for meee! I didn’t even get your naaame!”

Brutal Under Ground
    “Hey, did you hear? Someone said that there’s a guy in our first-year class who killed twelve people!”
    “Twelve?! No way, I don’t believe it… He must be the top student this year, right?”
    “Must be. I heard he did it all at once, too. On numbers alone, he doesn’t come anywhere close to the ‘Killer Queen,’ but Her Highness was a serial killer, so… When it comes to brutality, he might measure up, you think?”
    “D-definitely…but isn’t she kind of old news? I mean, if we’re talking current events, he’s gotta be the most heinous killer around.”
    Shut up inside a graffiti-covered stall, Kyousuke huddled on top of the toilet, gripping his knees. Tens of minutes had passed since he’d run away in a blind panic, eventually finding refuge in one of the new school building’s boys’ bathrooms. Since he’d taken up the hiding spot, most of the conversations taking place on the other side of the stall door had been rumors concerning Kyousuke. It seemed that his fame had spread even to the upper classes. On top of that, he’d just learned that there was apparently an older student who’d killed far more than twelve people. Kyousuke’s mood was on a rapid decline.
    …Man, I didn’t even get a chance to grab any food, either. Talk about adding insult to injury.
Gripping the pretty pink handkerchief,Kyousuke held his hollow belly in an attempt to silence the grumbling. In the afternoon, he had the harsh correctional duty work to look forward to, on top of regular classes. How cruel with an empty stomach…
    Suddenly he wondered—
What time is it right now, anyway?
Kurumiya’s ferocious smiling face appeared in Kyousuke’s mind.
If I’m not in my seat by the time class starts, I’ll be “disciplined”…
The color rapidly drained from his face.
This is bad.
    Lunch break was only supposed to last one hour. He didn’t have a watch, so Kyousuke didn’t know the exact time, but his sense of panic began to spike with the fear that he might already be late. Around him, the restroom had fallen silent.
    Craaaaaaaap!! If I don’t get back soon…
Throwing the stall door open, Kyousuke rushed into the deserted bathroom. Trying to keep low to the ground, he fell over midway toward the exit, then picked himself back up in a mad rush. Still pitched forward, he stumbled again, his momentum carrying him through the door and into—
    Kyousuke’s face met a soft and yielding surface that completely enveloped his field of vision. He could hear a cute muffled

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