My Deadly Valentine
    “Hey! You started it.”
    “Yes,” he said, chuckling softly, “but you certainly surprised me when you finished it so well.”
    Blushing, Rachel lowered her gaze and refused to continue to look at him. He was right, of course. She had returned his kiss as instinctively as if they had known each other for ages. He hadn’t been the only one surprised. She’d been totally flabbergasted. And ashamed. What must he think of her? That she made a habit of kissing strange men? Probably. Only nothing could be further from the truth.
    In all memory, recent and otherwise, she had never been kissed so perfectly, so thoroughly. And she had never, ever, returned the affection with such sureness and ease. Her reaction to Jace’s simple kiss had not only knocked her socks off, it had left her wondering how such a wonderful experience had escaped her all these years.
    She would never let on that she’d been deeply affected, of course. The man was already so sure of himself that he was practically impossible. More flattery was the last thing he needed, especially coming from her. Next thing she knew, he’d start to believe the sheriff’s ridiculous theory that she was causing trouble just to get the new deputy’s attention.
    There was, however, one thing she wanted him to know, so she decided to speak her mind. “I’m terribly thankful that you were with me today. I hope nothing I’ve said or done will keep you from continuing to watch over me until this series of attacks stops.”
    “Of course not. I said I’d look out for you and I will.”
    She had to blink back tears of relief when she saw the concern on his handsome face. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”
    His nod was matter-of-fact and polite rather than being too personal, yet she could tell he was feeling the same sense of extraordinary closeness that she was battling. Surely it was due to the circumstances, she told herself. After all, they had nothing in common.
    Except completely opposing opinions of law enforcement personnel. Rachel gritted her teeth as she realized that this ongoing harassment was showing her another side of the picture. There were legitimate needs for police intervention. The problem was, she didn’t like feeling out of control or in need of assistance.
    She would concentrate on building up her faith, keep her wits about her and get through this, one way or another, she vowed.
    When Eloise had led her to the Lord several years back, there had been a change in Rachel. A positive change. It was time she stopped acting as if she were all alone when she knew that Jesus was on her side. She’d pray more and trust more and…
    Shivering, she took a step closer to Jace and he slid his arm around her shoulders once again.
    Thank You, Father, for putting this man in my life just when I needed him, she prayed silently. If there was ever a reason to give thanks, it was now. And if there was ever a person for whom she was grateful, it was Jace Morgan.

    She’s clever, but not as clever as she thinks she is, he thought, watching her cozy up to the deputy. He can’t guard her every minute. She’ll have to go home sometime and then I’ll have her right where I want her.
    He laughed to himself as he imagined future scenarios. He had plenty of ideas about how to make her squirm. And as soon as it stopped being fun to issue threats, he’d act.
    There was lots of time. He had already branched out and implemented some new surprises. And even if he didn’t get another opportunity to enter the card store in secret, he could simply mail her the special Valentine he’d crafted.
    Rachel was going to love his idea of a romantic card. Oh, yes. She was just going to swoon over it.

    B y the time Rachel and Jace were finally finished at the card shop, it was late afternoon. He had insisted that they needed to go for coffee to pass the time while the professionals did their jobs regarding the crime scene and he’d been surprised by how easily she’d

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