My Heart Will Find Yours

My Heart Will Find Yours by Linda LaRoque Page B

Book: My Heart Will Find Yours by Linda LaRoque Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda LaRoque
Tags: western,romance
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    Royce watched Texanna run her finger over the waxed wood and trace the pattern of the china. Her look was one of reverence, and her awe further confused him. He cleared his throat, and she turned and smiled. A tear sparkled in her eyes. “I just couldn’t resist exploring.”
    He nodded. “Come on into the kitchen, and let’s find something to eat.” She followed him, her carpetbag still clutched in her hand. He took it from her and sat it on the end of the table. “We’ve got some leftover ham and fresh bread. How about a sandwich?”
    “Sounds good.” When he offered her a glass of milk, her lip curled, and she shook her head. “I’d prefer water.”
    They ate in silence. Royce watched her as she inspected the room and the items in it as if she’d never seen them.
    “Where’ve you been since you left here?”
    “Why, back in 2008 San Antonio, of course.”
    The long skirt twisted around her legs threatening to trip her as she walked down the stairs. She kicked it aside and kept moving. Men’s voices echoed from the kitchen. The deep rumble of Royce’s voice made her stomach jump into her throat.
    “I don’t know what to think, Matthew. She still claims to have time-traveled from 2008.”
    “Do you think she’s your wife? Is it possible she’s lost her memory?”
    “Hell, I don’t know what to think. But, last night she told me she’s a portrait artist. Made five thousand dollars on the last one she did.”
    One of them whistled, probably Matthew, whoever that was. Ah! Probably the older brother.
    “That’s a lot of money. She must be mighty good. Just one more thing she has in common with the Pearl we knew and loved.”
    She walked through the open kitchen door. Both men rose to their feet.
    That the two men were related was immediately evident but Matthew was a big man, several inches taller than Royce and more muscular. His biceps were as big around as the trunk of the tree in the front yard. Texanna mentally compared them. Both were handsome, but where Royce’s dark hair fell to his collar, Matthew’s was longer and tied back with rawhide. Royce was clean-shaven, but his brother had a beard and mustache.
    Royce asked. “Find everything you needed upstairs?” He looked at her tennis shoes but didn’t comment.
    “Yes, thank you.”
    Royce nodded and held a chair for her. “Sit down and let us wait on you this morning.”
    Texanna eased into the chair, warily watching both men as they moved around the kitchen.
    Royce stood by her shoulder. “Coffee?”
    He poured them each a cup while Matthew fetched the cream and sugar. Royce placed the pot on the stove and returned with a platter of scrambled eggs and ham. Matthew gingerly grabbed hot biscuits off a pan and piled them onto a plate.
    Royce took the chair at the end of the table, and Matthew sat across from her. Each reached for one of her hands and waited for her to take it. Royce bowed his head.
    “Father, we thank you for our many blessings—our family and friends, and for returning Pea...uh Texanna to us. Heal her, Lord, and restore her memory. Bless this food to the nourishment of our bodies. Amen.”
    Restore her memory? There wasn’t a thing wrong with her memory, nothing a one-hundred-twenty-eight-year jump in time wouldn’t fix.
    Both men looked at her, waiting for her to begin. She picked up the beautifully embroidered napkin and ran her finger over the fine stitches. Pearl was gifted at needlework. Had she done these? She’d tried to teach Texanna, but her fingers wouldn’t cooperate.
    Royce moved the cream and sugar where she could reach it. “Don’t you want to sweeten your coffee?”
    “I drink mine black.” He studied her a minute then returned the bowls to the center of the table. The two men exchanged looks and cast her sideways glances. Evidently Pearl didn’t drink her coffee black in this time period. She didn’t in 2008 either. Texanna sipped the brew. It was more than a tad too

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