My Mafioso Boyfriend - Part 2

My Mafioso Boyfriend - Part 2 by Eliza Stout Page B

Book: My Mafioso Boyfriend - Part 2 by Eliza Stout Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eliza Stout
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god that had resolved itself.
     I was beginning to think that he was ignoring me. I guess I would just have to understand
     that he is a man in a position that requires a certain level of responsibility from
     him. It would be rude of me to expect him to completely ignore the demands of his
     work just to keep from hurting my feelings. That night I slept easy.
                  The next day at work was hard to get through. Not only did I just want it to be over
     with so badly, because I couldn't wait to see Tony again that night, but I also had
     to deal with the constant jokes that Lacie came up with. Every time I checked the
     clocked, it seemed that only 5 minutes had passed when it had felt like an hour. Eventually,
     however, the whole thing did finally pass and I found myself at home, waiting for
     Tony. I wasn't sure if he would call first or just show up, so I had prepared myself
     just in case. The whole place was cleaned up and I was freshened up as well. I tugged
     at the front of my shirt, trying to squeeze as much cleavage out of it as possible.
     I did this obsessively every 15 or so minutes as the shirt began to slowly inch its
     way back up to its natural position.
                  Eventually, I heard heavy steps coming up the stairwell. When they didn't stop at
     the neighbors a flight down, I knew that they were headed up to my apartment at the
     top. I tugged at my shirt once more and waited for the footsteps to stop and for the
     doorbell to ring. When it did, I got up and slinked across the room to open it. Behind
     the door, Tony was standing there looking as nice as he had the night he took me out
     to dinner. He was wearing a different suit this time, dark gray with a subtle checked
     pattern, but it was well fitted and pressed like the rest. He was wearing a broad
     smile, and he had his hand outstretched, a glimmering pearl necklace dangling from
     his fingers.
                  "I got you something," he said, grinning.
                  "Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed. "Those are beautiful!"
                  It had been forever since anyone had gotten me a gift, much less a gift that that
     appeared to be as expensive as the pearls that were hanging before my face. Even my
     ex-boyfriend Jason, in the entire three years that we had dated, had never really
     taken the time to get me anything. Not even a bouquet of flowers. This was just too
                  "Try it on," he said, spinning me around and gently placing them around my neck and
     clasping it in the back. He spun me back around and took a step back so that he could
     see and nodded approvingly. "They're perfect for you. You should go take a look. Go
                  I hurried of to the bathroom so that I could see myself in the bathroom mirror. They
     did look absolutely gorgeous; there was no arguing about that. I could barely contain
     my excitement. The attention alone was enough to make me blush. I came back out into
     the living room and Tony was holding his folded up suit jacket, brushing a few stray
     cat hairs from it.
                  "So, I hope you don't have any plans tonight," he said, looking up from the jacket.
                  "I was just going to be here all evening. Why? I'm not really prepared to go anywhere
                  He laughed. "Oh no, nothing like that. I was just hoping I could stay for a while...
     maybe pick up where we left off the other night?" He had a sly grin on his face and
     he was looking at me with that unblinking piercing stare again, the one that was impossible
     to look away from. It was like a tractor beam.
                  "I'm all out of wine, you know."
                  "That's alright. We'll make due. You got any good movies?"
                  "I have Netflix."
                  "Then it's settled.

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