My Sweetest Escape

My Sweetest Escape by Chelsea M. Cameron Page B

Book: My Sweetest Escape by Chelsea M. Cameron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chelsea M. Cameron
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary
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“Are you saying
    I smell like an onion?”
    We got to the car and I let him open the
    door, standing back and folding my arms.
    Damn, it was fun screwing with him. He was
    about to open it but pulled his arm back at
    the last second and walked around to his
    side of the car. I wrenched it open, got in
    and fastened my seat belt.
    “No, I mean that you’re one of those
    girls with layers. You know, you’re more
    than just a pretty face. Plus, you don’t have
    to scrape through a layer of makeup to get
    there.” While it was true that I didn’t wear a
    lot of makeup, I used to, back when I wore
    skirts more often than pants and had to
    look good for any photo opportunity. I used
    to get up early every single day and
    straighten my hair and line my eyes just so.
    I had the cat eye thing down to a
    science. I honestly didn’t know where my
    eyeliner was. I definitely hadn’t seen it in
    months. Renee had probably stolen it.
    “Is that a nice and slightly weird way of
    saying I look like crap?”
    “Jesus, do you take everything
    negatively? Man, kick a guy for trying.” He
    shook his head and started making drum
    noises. “Your turn.”
    “I’m not telling you my life story, Dusty.”
    “I’m not asking for your life story.
    Just…give me something.”
    “Why? What do you want from me?”
    He shook his head, a different kind of
    smile on his face.
    It was almost shy. If anything about him
    could ever be considered shy.
    “Nothing, Red. Absolutely nothing.”
    And by the time I could think of
    something to say, we were back.
    “I know you didn’t forget your phone,
    you liar. Is something burning?” I pretended
    to sniff the air as we walked up the front
    steps. “I think your pants are on fire, dude.”

    “Ha-ha, you’re so funny.” He reached
    out and rang the doorbell. I raised my
    eyebrow. I would have just walked in.
    The bell dinged and then donged and
    Dusty made the exact same sound with his
    mouth. Somehow. The door opened, and
    Hunter gave both of us a look before
    holding the door open to let me in.
    “Thanks for the ride,” I said to Dusty, but
    it sounded like a question. He tapped two
    fingers to his forehead and then flicked
    them upward in a little salute/wave. Yeah,
    Hunter was still looking at Dusty. Hmm. I
    was distracted from watching the two of
    them by a retching sound coming from the
    upstairs bathroom and then Mase yelling
    that he needed a hand. There was a sound
    like a herd of stampeding models as Renee
    and Taylor clacked their way up the stairs to
    take care of their fallen comrade.
    “Jos, can you bring me up a glass of
    water?” Renee said over her shoulder as
    the puking sounds got louder. Lovely.
    “Yeah, I’ll get right on it,” I said, giving
    her a thumbs-up and walking toward the
    kitchen. I set the glass in the sink, turning
    the water on, and tiptoed back to where I
    could hear Hunter and Dusty, but they
    couldn’t see me.
    “So, I’ll see you at Steiner’s tomorrow?”
    Hunter said.
    “Yeah. I might be late, but I let Kent
    know.” Dusty walked into the living room,
    and I could hear him rustling about “looking
    for his phone.”
    “Found it. See you tomorrow, man.
    Thanks for inviting me.”
    “Thanks for coming.” I heard them
    slapping hands or fist bumping or
    performing some type of guy-bonding ritual
    and then the door closed and I realized the
    glass of water was overflowing. I went back
    to the sink and turned it off.
    Bromance indeed.
    My alarm shattered the calm of sleep
    the next morning so completely that I woke
    up cursing. Stupid fucking school. I rolled
    out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom. I
    was just taking care of business when a fist
    slammed on the door and Renee’s voice
    penetrated my morning fog.
    “You’d better not be late your first day.”
    “Thanks, Mom, but it would be nice if I
    could pee without being interrupted.”
    “Just get your ass upstairs in ten
    minutes, or I’m coming back

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