Mydnight's Hero

Mydnight's Hero by Joe Dever Page B

Book: Mydnight's Hero by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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Crowns. If you do not have enough money, you must give him either 1 Weapon or 1 Backpack Item of your choice. (Make the appropriate changes to your Action Chart .)
    The farmer ferries you and your horse across the river, and then he goes back to collect Karvas and his mount. Once the Prince is safely across, you bid the cheerful man farewell and ride away from the river, heading east. You notice that Prince Karvas is smiling as he rides across this lush river valley and you ask him why he is so happy. He explains that the Ioma is the political boundary between the realms of Lunarlia and Siyen, and having crossed the river you are now on Siyenese soil. After ten years in exile he has, at last, returned to his homeland.
    Dusk is turning to darkness when you come to a road that traverses the plain to the east of Voshno. Your horses are tired and so you decide to camp for the night in a small wood that borders this road. Before you rest, you must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points (unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery).
    To continue, turn to 125 .

    You tug on the reins and swivel in the saddle to avoid the onrushing shaft. Your speedy reactions save you from being struck in the body, yet the arrow tears a strip of skin and muscle from your shoulder before it shatters into the ground: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
    Karvas leaps onto his horse and you toss him the reins. With a cry of elation, you wheel your stallion about and spur him towards an avenue on the west side of the square. You and the Prince gallop side by side along this broad thoroughfare as fast as your horses will carry you, trampling any Bakhasian who is foolish enough to stand in your way. The road leads directly to the city's east gate where a bell is tolling loudly. A crowd of militiamen have gathered at the gate, summoned from their beds by the alarm, but they are without their officer and in the chaos and confusion they have forgotten to close the gate. They scatter in all directions as you thunder along the avenue towards them and you are able to escape through the open archway without challenge.
    Whooping with excitement, you race away from Bakhasa along a dusty trail that heads towards the foothills of the Dammerdon Mountains. You glance to your side and see Prince Karvas punch the air victoriously. Clearly he is as excited by this daring escape as you are, for there is a grin fixed to his sweat-streaked face that stretches from ear to ear.
    Your strong Bhanarian stallions carry you swiftly into the foothills and never once do they falter in their stride nor slacken their impressive pace. Only when you can no longer see the lights of Bakhasa do you let them slow to a canter. For more than an hour you travel the trail as it meanders through pine-covered hills and shallow valleys. The night sky is clear and the way ahead is illuminated by bright starlight. When you come to a shallow ford across a fast-flowing stream, you stop here awhile to let your horses drink their fill.
    Unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
    To continue, turn to 323 .

    You break the bad news to Karvas and he explodes with rage. Immediately he kicks back his chair and unsheathes his sword. ‘You, there, skulking in the shadows,’ he bellows, pointing with his sword at the Cavalians on the far side of the taproom. ‘You're the cowards who murdered Baron Jayde. Step out of the shadows and face your accuser, if you dare!’
    The Cavalians laugh and sneer at Prince Karvas' accusation. ‘Watch your tongue, journeyman,’ retorts their leader, a scar-faced sergeant with a shaved head. ‘We Siyenese don't take kindly to Northland troublemakers.’ Another of the group calls out to the tavern-keeper, demanding that he come and throw you out. Sheepishly the tavern-keeper approaches and he asks that you both leave. You sense that he has no liking for the Cavalians, but Karvas' outburst has unsettled

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