Never Let Me Go (Welcome To Redemption)

Never Let Me Go (Welcome To Redemption) by Donna Marie Rogers Page B

Book: Never Let Me Go (Welcome To Redemption) by Donna Marie Rogers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Marie Rogers
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misunderstand. I’m apologizing for kissing you. It shouldn’t have happened. You were vulnerable. I took advantage of the situation, and I am sorrier than I can say.”
    Confusion gripped her as his words sank in. “ I kissed you , Sheriff, not the other way around. If anyone should be sorry it’s me. And for the record, I’m not.” She reached up and caressed his face.
    Again, Chase grasped her hand, only this time he held on. Regret etched his brow, and a sinking feeling grew in the pit of her stomach.
    Her face heated with embarrassment as the truth dawned on her. Chase didn’t want her; he’d simply been humoring her. Or maybe he…Hannah yanked her hand free and shot to her feet.
    “Is this about Jimmy? You brought him up several times tonight, and your disgust was pretty clear…Are you repulsed by me because—”
    “Of course not,” he quickly denied, seeming genuinely stunned by the question. “It’s not like I haven’t hooked up with a few less than…upstanding ladies.”
    “Then what is it, Chase? Is this about the woman you’re interested in? Is it more serious than you let on?”
    He leaned back against the metal glider and let out a hearty sigh. “There is no other woman.”
    The argument she’d been about to launch on her own behalf died on her lips as his confession sank in. “Okay, now I’m confused. What’s this all about? I’m afraid I’m going to need you to spell it out for me.”
    “Dammit, Hannah. Drew trusts me to take care of you, to look after you. And what was I doing when he called to check up on you? I was practically ravishing you on the damn couch!”
    Hannah grinned over his word choice.
    Chase waggled a finger in her face. “Don’t even say it.”
    She bit her lips, but a smile stretched her cheeks.
    He swiped a hand through his hair and gave his head a ‘what am I going to do with you?’ shake. “Hannah, I don’t know what would have happened if Drew hadn’t called, but I do know it can’t happen again.”
    Her smile faded. “Why? Is this about Drew? You’re one of his closest friends, so I know—”
    Chase shot to his feet and turned to face her, his expression grim, resigned.  
    Hannah’s breath caught. She’d never seen quite that look on his face before and it scared her.
    “I don’t want to hurt you, Hannah. I think the world of you; I always have. But I…I don’t think about you that way. I mean, hell, you’re beautiful and sexy and any man would be lucky to have you, but—”
    “Any man but you?” she countered, her chest tight with repressed hurt and confusion.
    He reached out as if to clasp her hand, but she stepped back out of his reach.
    “You’re like a little sister to me, dammit,” he all but choked out, the lie bitter on his lips. “I would hate to ruin what we have by jumping into bed together.”
    Hannah could only stare at him, no cohesive thoughts forming in her brain. She’d known the truth about this man, yet she’d thrown caution—and her good sense—right out the window at the first sign he might be interested. Only she’d misinterpreted those signs and made a complete frickin’ fool of herself. Well, lesson learned.
    She gave a decisive nod. “You’re right. And let’s be honest, most of the blame falls to me. I’ve been lonely, I’m still a little freaked out over what happened last night, and I drank a lot more wine than I should have. You’re as comfortable as an old pair of shoes, so I turned to you for comfort. The wrong kind. If anything, I’m the one who owes you an apology.”
    “If you plan to follow me to work tomorrow, I’ll be leaving the house at five-thirty. ‘Night, Sheriff.”
    With as much dignity as she could muster, Hannah strode into the house and headed up to bed. Somehow, she managed to hold the tears at bay until safely ensconced in her room.
    * * *
    Breakfast—if one could call two cups of coffee and a handful of dry cereal breakfast—was eaten in

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