Never Mind The Botox: Rachel
Chris. ‘What’s the invoice number?’
    Rachel read out the number and Chris checked the bank records.
    ‘Yes, definitely a cash payment. It was paid in over the counter at our local bank.’ Chris checked the next one. ‘Yes, that one too.’ She glanced at the invoices. ‘By the way, they’re both the same doctor, if you want to talk to someone about them.’
    ‘How can you tell?’ Rachel asked.
    ‘The first three letters of the invoice number are a code for each doctor. These both start with six-zero-two. Shall I look up who that is?’
    ‘Yes please, that would be great, thanks,’ said Rachel.
    ‘Six-zero-two is Lloyd Cassidy,’ said Chris.
    ‘Okay, thanks. I’ll go and talk to him.’
    Rachel went back into the office the team were working in. She looked through the list of documents that had all been coded with ‘other’ as the procedure type. They all started with code six-zero-two.
    ‘Right, time we started meeting the doctors, I think. Where’s the list?’
    AJ handed it to her.
    ‘I’ll speak to Tom’s PA and start getting appointments set up. Hopefully we can start later today.’
    She picked up the phone and dialled Tom’s PA.
    ‘Hi, Linda, it’s Rachel Altman. We’re ready to start meeting the doctors now. Would you be able to sort out making appointments for us?’ There was a pause, then, ‘Great, thanks, you can split them between us but could you schedule me to see Lloyd Cassidy? Okay, thanks. See you shortly, bye.’
    Rachel turned to AJ and Rosa. ‘Linda will drop round appointment times for us in a bit,’ she said.
    She spent the next hour or so planning a standard agenda for them to follow when they met the doctors and talking AJ and Rosa through what she’d found out from Chris.
    ‘Okay, so this is the plan when we meet each doctor. We need to know what areas they specialise in, what types of clients they have, the level of repeat business they get and what they see as the next big growth area.’
    Linda popped in with the list of appointments and Rachel was scheduled to see Lloyd Cassidy at four p.m. that afternoon. Good, she thought. She wanted to get things sorted out as quickly as possible so they could get on with preparing their presentation.
    When Rachel arrived outside Lloyd Cassidy’s office at exactly four p.m., his assistant’s desk was empty, so she went ahead and knocked on his door.
    ‘Come in,’ said a low voice.
    Lloyd Cassidy was sitting behind his desk looking through some papers as Rachel went in. He was smartly dressed with neatly cut silver hair and a light suntan. His office was a mixture of plush luxury and medical functionality. Oak-panelled cupboards and heavily framed pictures sat alongside a hospital-style bed and a trolley covered in instruments. The surfaces and walls were covered in impressive looking certificates and industry awards.
    ‘Hello, I’m Rachel Altman from Payne Stanley,’ said Rachel, holding out her hand.
    ‘Well hello, Rachel Altman,’ said Lloyd in slightly flirty way. ‘Please do sit down.’
    ‘Thank you. I’m not sure how much Tom has explained to you about what it is we’re doing here?’
    ‘He’s told us most of it, I think. We’ve been briefed on the interest from the Equinox Practise and that you guys are here to write a report giving us the all clear, so to speak. Is that about right?’ Lloyd asked.
    ‘Well, yes, sort of,’ said Rachel. ‘As part of producing our report, we’re speaking to all the doctors so we can understand a bit better where your work comes from and what sort of thing you’re best known for.’
    ‘I’m known for being good at many things,’ said Lloyd. ‘But I assume you’re focusing solely on my medical abilities.’ He smiled at her.
    Ugh, how smarmy, thought Rachel. She half-smiled back. ‘Yes I am. Would you mind telling me a bit about your work?’
    ‘Yes, of course. I’m one of the longest serving doctors here at Beau Street Group. I’ve been qualified as a plastic

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