Never Say Never

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Book: Never Say Never by Kelly Mooney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Mooney
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    “Those were your exact words?” I ask.
    He shakes his head, “What’s wrong with you? I’ve never seen you so freaked about some chick before.”
    “Max, I really like this girl. I mean really like her, y’know,” I tell him, as I push my hands through my hair.
    “Well, what’s the problem? Go get her.”
    “The problem is whatever the fuck you said to her, she won’t even talk to me,” I tell him.
    “I don’t remember exactly what I said, but it was something along the lines of every senior’s mission,” he confesses.
    “Including mine,” I ask.
    “Well, I didn’t exactly exclude you, you are a Senior,” he reminds me.
    “Great, Max you have no idea how hard this girl is, and now...shit!”
    Ellie clears her throat to let us know she is walking toward us, so we both stop talking. “I gotta bounce,” I say, looking at both of them. Ellie? When did that one happen? Probably at the party that I missed.
    Sunday proves useless. She doesn’t answer my calls, so I decide to step back for now. I was always going to her, I want her to want me as much as I want her. Lord knows I can’t get this girl out of my head, I picture her in my daydreams, as well as into the night about what it would be like to be with her, to experience the full Kat. I know I have to take my time with her, this girl has major trust issues, and I don’t want her to run. That is the only plan that I can come up with, time. If that’s what she needs, I am going to give her all the space she wants. I will let her come to me for once.

    The butterflies in my stomach are in full swing as I walk into the school, toward first period. The last thing I want is to run into Cameron, so early in the morning. I know I can’t avoid seeing him in History. Thankfully that gives me a few periods to think about what to say to him, because I know he’ll want to talk.
    I know it’s coming, but now when I see his six foot and then some walking my way, I don’t know what to do, how to act, or what to say. This is it, he’s looking for me. I should have known. There is nowhere for me to go in order to avoid him. So it surprises me that as we get closer, he keeps his eyes down on the floor and turns the corner. Wow, I guess Max was right, he told me everything I needed to know. I was a mission, plain and simple. One he wasn’t going to accomplish. So he has decided to move on. Good! I think?
    I can’t help not paying attention in Chemistry, I keep going over it and over it in my head, seeing him walk away, turning the corner in the opposite direction of me. I was sure he was going to stop me and make a huge to do about everything. I guess he realized he wasn’t going to win me over so easily with his good looks, and amazing smile. Usually the day feels like it’s dragging along, but ironically today of all days it’s flying by. History next period, I have to face him, see him, and now the butterflies are churning in my stomach, doing flip flops like crazy. I hold my stomach trying to stop them, but realize quickly it’s not that easy to fix.
    I walk in with my head held high, not looking toward the back of the classroom. I take my usual seat up front with Gabby and Matt. I can see out of the corner of my eye, Cameron is talking to this girl named Sabrina, not looking at me. Okay, if that’s the way he wants to play this, so be it. Two can play this game, it might give me something to do for the rest of the year. Mission, huh. Mission, my ass. I look over to Matt, knowing full well this guy will take the bait, even if I really don’t want him to.
    “Psst. Matt, do you think you could drive me home today? The weather sucks outside,” I ask, pointing to the window, flipping my hair to one side. Ugh, is this is what I am sinking to, tossing my hair and flirting with assholes. Why the hell am I playing this game again? Oh, right...mission.
    “Hell, yeah. I’ll meet you at your locker at three-fifteen,” he says, loud

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