Night Winds

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Book: Night Winds by Gwyneth Atlee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gwyneth Atlee
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
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of fine, gray hair. Perspiration dotted his clean-shaven upper lip.
    “As I’ve told you before, I’m no longer practicing . The ‘Doctor’ is not only unnecessary, it’s a disagreeable reminder.”
    Frindly shrugged . “All right. But I’ll be the only man in Port Providence who doesn’t call you by that title.”
    “Oh, come now . Since this dock business began, I’ve been called by many other names, though none have been as flattering as ‘mister.’ Now please tell me what’s wrong. You wouldn’t have hidden anything from my father.”
    Watery blue eyes glanced upward, into Phillip’s . He wondered if the old man was bridling the thought that this younger Payton would never fill his father’s shoes. To his credit, he said nothing of the sort, except in Phillip’s nightmares.
    A pent-up breath escaped in a hiss through Frindly’s teeth . “I suppose you ought to see it. At first I thought it was just noise, but perhaps precautions are in order.”
    He found the sheet and thrust it toward his employer.
    “You should have shown me sooner. It appears that it’s addressed to me,” Phillip said as he scanned the opening: Dear Nigger-love r 
    Large print sliced a wide swath across the paper . The message matched its greeting in terms of subtlety.
    Take it back or die . Now.
    No signature, of course . But he supposed it could be worse. The sorry devil could have written “Dr. Nigger-lover.” Phillip crumpled the note into a ball and tossed it into the trash by Frindly’s desk. “How many?”
    Frindly peered at him for several moments.
    “Tell me,” Phillip urged.
    “A few, I think.”
    “The note upset you. I could tell. You’d remember every one. How many?”
    The older man pulled a file from the back of a desk drawer and handed it to Phillip without looking at the contents . “Six so far. None complimentary, none signed.”
    “All the same sort of thing?”
    “Worse now. He’s graduated from ‘good advice’ to ‘watch your back’ to ‘die.’ They’ve been slipped in with cargo reports, the orders, even the mail once. I didn’t think you’d pay attention to some crank, considering that neither your business associates nor your mother could change your mind.”
    Phillip passed the file back to Frindly . “You were right. I’m not interested in this drivel. A man too cowardly to sign his own name isn't brave enough to follow through.”
    Frindly tucked the file back into his drawer and pulled out a worn-looking silver flask . “Join me in a drink?” he offered.
    Phillip smiled and shook his head . He knew John and his father had long shared the habit of an occasional nip to smooth out a rough day. But since Phillip took his father’s place, Frindly had never indulged in the younger Payton’s presence. Now he did, but first he lifted the flask toward his employer.
    “I’m not certain that you’re right,” the old man said, “but I’ll grant you this, Phillip Payton . You may not think the same way as your father, but you’re every bit as stubborn.”
    “That’s the finest compliment I’ve heard in quite some time,” Phillip answered.
    After completing his review of the day’s orders, Phillip decided to leave work, though it was only three-thirty . He hoped to see Rachel this evening, but first, he wanted to look in on his friend, Ethan. After last evening’s disappointment, Lowell must be feeling dismal.
    Many years before, the two had met at their parents’ social club . Boredom brought them together, and to escape it, the two had gotten into their share of mischief. Phillip smiled at a memory of the time they substituted chopped seaweed for chives and mixed ant grubs in the rice for one of the head cook’s favorite recipes. When he’d caught them, the old man forced each boy to sample the ruined dishes. Phillip learned his lesson. He’d never tampered with another recipe again.
    Ethan had been less amenable. First the boy had denied the whole thing; then he

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