    “Come on,” I sighed, “you saw how he looked at me when he met my mom…” I wrapped my arms around me as the wind whipped down the alley.
    “Not this again, Savannah.” Nathan sighed and looked to the sky.
    “Yes, this again. This always. People know who my mom is and they get this look on their face, like by knowing me, they’ve somehow touched the greatness that is Vita Carulli.” I was a little heavy-handed in my sarcasm, but this situation called for just that.
    “Has he said anything to you?” Nathan shrugged and furrowed his brow.
    “No, but the way his eyes lit up—”
    Nathan cut me off. “What the hell do you care what he thinks?”
    “I don’t …”
    Did I? Shit. I did.
    “Fuck it, then. You’ll be done with him after this semester, and it won’t matter what he thinks of you ... or your mom.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulders again and chuckled as we finally made our way to the club door.
    “I guess you’re right,” I admitted.
    Still, I felt I had enough of a hard time getting Fitzgerald to take my thoughts seriously without him knowing who my family was. And, I couldn’t decide if his knowing about my mom would work in my favor or not. Either way, I didn’t want it to have any bearing on my success in his class. Though, as the semester wore on, I was caring less about what grade I received, and more about my point being received by him. His ideas were so fixed, so rigid, I couldn’t imagine ever having to put up with him as an instructor. He was at the top of his field, no question, but I would bet good money on his students developing serious OCD. Even as a classroom student of his, I found myself wanting to impress him. But I wasn’t willing to change my opinions to accomplish that.
    As soon as I stepped through the door of the club, I was swallowed by heat and music. The sounds of the live band, filled with trumpets, drums, flutes, and everything else needed to make Spanish music work, was shocking the atmosphere with excitement.
    “ This gets me in the mood for spring break!” I hollered into Nathan’s ear as he led me straight to the dance floor.
    Tomorrow was our last day of classes before spring break, and even though I wasn’t going anywhere tropical, music got me in the mood to relax for a week. We had a pretty important composition due in Fitzgerald’s class in the morning, but I wrote mine a week ago. Over the course of the semester, I'd spent more time on each paper, but received worse grades. I don’t think he really paid attention to my words, though. If he did, I’d certainly have been getting a better grade than I was. Given the grades in the rest of my classes, it didn’t really matter what I got in his theory class. But I was determined to prove that his word was not gospel. He disagreed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, any chance he got.
    “What’s with the look on your face, doll?” Nathan leaned down and planted a soft kiss on my cheek. “You’re not still thinking about … him …  are you?”
    “No.” I shook my head, smiling up at the curly-haired hottie. Nathan was a few inches taller than me, muscular but lanky. But he had this gorgeous hair and that adorable dimple that made me smile whenever it appeared.
    “Prove it,” Nathan teased as he spun me around before pulling me so close I could easily smell the Ivory soap he used.
    “I’m so sad you’re graduating this year.” I gave an exaggerated pout as we waited for the band to set up their next song.
    “Ah, come on…” He grabbed my waist and kissed my forehead.
    “I’m serious, Nathan. You’ve been a huge part of my life since I was ten, for God’s sake. Now I’ll have one more year here while you are … where?” I hadn’t asked about his plans after graduation, since he was highly superstitious about the whole application and audition process.
    “We’ll be fine, Savannah. You went years only seeing me in the summer.” He sighed, spinning me in another

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