Noose (Road Kill MC #1)

Noose (Road Kill MC #1) by Marata Eros Page A

Book: Noose (Road Kill MC #1) by Marata Eros Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marata Eros
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ahold of all that manhood, stroking himself as I watch. Intently and methodically, he works his length.
    As though mesmerized, I lean forward to close my much smaller hand over his.
    Noose's head kicks back at my touch. His lips part, and his thick throat works up and down as he swallows.
    My eyes linger at his cock, taking in the almost angry look to it.
    I lower my face, my hair trailing over his bare thighs, and I put my hands on each one for balance.
    Flicking my tongue over the swollen head of his erection, I wrap my lips around the tip and slide down just enough to cover the head.
    “God!” Noose roars, grabbing my head and fisting my hair.
    I'm suddenly scared.
    He senses it. “Not hurting you. But if you don't suck me off this second, I'm gonna die.”
    I smile, working lower. Instinctively, I take a hand back up his shaft, squeezing as my mouth climbs higher and I pop my mouth off the tip of him.
    Noose's chin dips, and his eyes blaze dark pewter at me.
    I slam my lips on him, giving hard hand all the way down to the base of him.
    I squeeze.
    “Shit,” his voice shakes as his stomach muscles clench.
    A strand of his hair falls forward out of the tight ponytail as his clear gaze simmers into mine, and my hand runs up the square muscles of his stomach to his nipple. I pinch the erect tip as I ram my mouth as far as I can go on him.
    Noose's shout is strangled.
    I gag.
    His erection grows tighter beneath my lips, and he comes hard. Hot jets of seed shoot down my throat. I swallow reflexively, taking everything he gives me.
    My fingers slide down his body, which is coated in a light sweat, and I slip my lips off the end of him.
    “God damn ,” he says, collapsing backward onto the couch.
    I watch him, unsure of everything.
    He studies my face for a second. “Come ʼere,” he says, grabbing me and lifting me onto his lap.
    He pushes my hair away from my face for the second time. “Where'd you learn to do that?”
    “You like it?” I ask, hearing the uncertainty in my voice. “You're my first.” I love the power I feel admitting that and knowing I made him come.
    Noose tilts my face up. His eyes dredge my soul.
    “Your last,” he says with finality, tucking my head underneath his chin.
    Drowsiness takes over.
    I don't feel sleep come for me when it does.
    Soft kisses wake me.
    I shoot up.
    Noose moves with me.
    “Oh God,” I say, whipping my arm out for a cell phone that's nowhere around. “What time is it?” I grumble.
    Noose chuckles, checking me out. “Aren't we pissing rainbows?”
    I glare at him.
    “Almost midnight.”
    “Why shit?” he asks.
    I scowl.
    He smooths the frown between my eyes. “Listen, I texted your parents.”
    “Oh my God!” I shriek.
    He covers my mouth with a finger. “Asked if they could keep Charlie for the night.”
    I fall back on the couch, my forearm flopping over my eyes. “This is so dumb.”
    “Again, very vague.” Warmth colors his voice.
    I peek out between my fingers.
    His eyes are dark; his mouth tight.
    I sit up, scooting my legs back and wrapping my arms around my knees. I notice I'm naked, and my eyes hunt for my stuff.
    Noose stands, also naked but not caring in the least.
    My eyes are glued to the view of his tight ass as he strides to my yoga pants and chucks them at me. I catch them, jamming them on without panties. My underwear's in a ripped pile by the table where h e …
    Heat floods my face, and I don't have to look in a mirror to feel my shame. Noose ate me.
    I swallowed his cum. All of it. I didn't leave a drop behind.
    He texted my parents as if he were me and lied. So I could sleep. So we could be together.
    I stand and face him.
    I have to be smarter than this. “Listen,” I begin, shoving my thick hair behind my shoulder.
    “Don't give me some fucked-up Dear John thing.” His huge cock comes half alive. I can't have a conversation with him naked.
    “Can yo u… get something

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