Northwoods Nightmare

Northwoods Nightmare by Jon Sharpe Page B

Book: Northwoods Nightmare by Jon Sharpe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jon Sharpe
Tags: Fiction, General, Westerns
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was in Fraser Canyon?”
    â€œThey got regular letters from him and then the letters stopped. His claim was near Boston Bar.”
    â€œI see.” Teit hesitated. “It could be they have come all this way for nothing. It could be he is dead.”
    â€œDo you know something I don’t?”
    â€œNo. I was just saying. Many of the whites who came to our country found only death.” Teit put a hand on his arm. “It is worth keeping in mind. You have been kind to us, and I would not want you to be one of them.”
    Was that a warning or a threat? Fargo wondered.

    Fargo figured someone would object. He didn’t figure on the entire Havard family, and Cosmo, coming up to him with spite in their eyes. Edith fired the first shot.
    â€œWhat is this nonsense about you wanting that old Indian and that squaw to join us?”
    â€œOnly as far as Fraser Canyon.”
    â€œWhy would you even want to do such a thing?” Theodore demanded. “They’re Indians, after all.”
    Fargo had three reasons. He wanted to help Teit and her grandfather get back safely. He wanted to do it because he was convinced Teit knew something about Kenneth Havard. And he wanted to do it because he wanted to get up her dress. He mentioned only the first reason.
    Theodore harrumped. “Are you sane? These are red savages we’re talking about. We will need protection from them .”
    â€œFrom a blind man and his grandaughter?”
    Edith thrust a finger at him. “They’re heathens, and I for one do not associate with heathens.”
    Allen had been quiet but now he said in his most condescending tone, “Why all this bickering? It’s not as if our guide has a choice. He works for us. He’ll do what we want him to do. That’s all there is to it.”
    â€œI work for your father,” Fargo set him straight. “I’ll hash this out with him. Keep your braying to yourself.”
    The allusion to a jackass caused red to creep from Allen’s pale throat to his pale forehead.
    â€œThat will be quite enough,” Theodore interceded. “We’re serious, Fargo. I will not have savages in my party, and that’s final.”
    â€œThen you don’t have me, either.”
    Allen quickly said, “We don’t need him, Father. We’re only a day out of Fraser Canyon. We can find Boston Bar by ourselves.”
    â€œBe my guest,” Fargo said.
    At that juncture Cosmo cleared his throat. “Permit me, Theodore, to add my thoughts.”
    â€œOf course.”
    â€œIt’s true we are near enough to the canyon that we can probably find it on our own, and thus true that we don’t need Mr. Fargo’s services as a guide, per se. But we do need his experience. Remember those four men who were out to kill and rob us?”
    â€œAs always, you make an excellent point,” Theodore praised him.
    â€œThere’s more to consider.” Cosmo looked at each of the Havards. “It’s my understanding Indians are often grateful for a kindness rendered. By helping this girl and her grandfather, we show her people that we are friendly. And surely it’s to our benefit to be in the good graces of the Knife Indians, given the trouble they have caused in the past.”
    â€œAnother excellent point,” Theodore agreed.
    â€œI don’t agree,” Edith said bitterly.
    â€œBut, my dear, they are less likely to attack if we’ve done them a favor. By helping these two, we reap goodwill.”
    â€œExactly my point,” Cosmo said.
    Fargo had to hand it him; the man didn’t miss much. He noticed that Angeline was not taking part and smiled at her. She smiled back.
    â€œI still think it’s a mistake,” Edith stubbornly insisted.
    â€œI’m with mother,” Allen declared.
    McKern and several others were listening, and McKern chose that moment to clear his throat. “Have you ever fought redskins, Mrs.

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